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                Breaking the Rules
(Yeah the song above is called Breaking the Law)

So you have some rules for your rp server or for any kind of server in general besides the normal rules for multiplayer. Like for my rp server you can cuss, but you have to bleep it out, you can have sexual content but you can't go into a lot of detail or just go into no detail at all, you can't be too op, you can't kill another player's character without their permission, and arguing outside of rp is not tolerated(cause like I said in Ridiculous WolfQuest Stories, there's a reason why I don't allow it. I mean if you wanna ask me about it, you can pm me).

I wonder if any of you have the same sort of rules for your servers, or do you have different ones. So now you've got a person who you've explained the rules to them, but they choose Nott to follow them. You give them a warning, but they keep breaking the rules. So BOOM. They get kicked. For sure this has happened to me.

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