Naming a pup an inappropriate name
Damn Daniel...back at it again with the pup servers. So let's say you're hosting a pup server, and you finish naming the pups, and someone thought it would be funny to name a pup...idk..let's say that person thought it would be funny to name the pup some weird or derogatory name. So you ask who did it, and they say me. And...damn this is gonna sound hilarious and cringeworthy....and you say here's a more proper name for it: *boot*. WQ: "The host has kicked you off this server."

50+ Ways To Get Kicked In WolfQuest
ComédieThis has been highly requested. In this book, I'll explore all the different ways any one person can get kicked in WolfQuest. Believe me, I've kicked a few people for some of the reasons that are gonna be in this book.