Part 22

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"Is the Jayla!!?" I asked. "What the FUCK!" Jeremy got up and yelled out. "GET YO ASS OFF THAT STAGE!" He yelled. "Bro I'm so sorryyyy!!!!" She said. Jeremy got so pissed off that he started yelling and it caught the whole club attention. "YO ASS JUST TURNED 20, YOUR IN COLLEGE! I work hard for you to put money in your pocket and this what you doing?" He yelled!!!!! She ran off stage embarrassed. Jeremy stormed out the door. I went after him because hell he is my ride back home. "I know this is all much for you!" I said. "Man that's my baby sister! On stage gyrating for mens!" He yelled. "Look baby calm down." I said. "Man this never wouldn't have happened if I was staying focus on her making sure she do the right things man!" He yelled. "I understand baby please stop yelling." I said. "You don't understand, the day I met you I lost focus on taking care of my family." He said. That hurt, A LOT, then it was coming from Jeremy, Jeremy of all people. I walked away from him.. he didn't try to chase me. I called for a cab and left. The shit he said really hurt me, he basically blamed me for his stripper ass sister. I was gone tell him about her and Jamal. But I'm not gone tell him shit, he can find out on his own. I walked in the house threw my keys and walked to my room. I was so pissed, like how could he spazz out on me, it wasn't like I was on stage. I pushed my bedroom open hard. "Dammit!" I said. I slammed my door against the wall so hard that I put a hole in my wall. "Ughhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed. I dranked me a little wine to sooth myself and then I fell asleep. When I woke up I decided to fix me breakfast and watch lifetime. I looked down on my living room table and I see this business card. The Antonio guy gave me. I called the number.

Antonio: Hello?
Me: Yes This Is Avery Davis. I was calling to see would you be available to fix something for me.
Antonio: aaaahhhh Ms Avery how are you?
Me: I'm fine how about you
Antonio: Better now that you called me.
Me: *smiles* I'll send you my address.
Antonio: okay

Well I'm kinda happy that I did put a hole in my wall. Uhhhhhh i should really pull myself together and stop thinking about the next guy.

20mins later

I opened the door and it was Antonio. Looking so fine, I don't know what he's mixed with but boy his blue eyes gave me the blues.
"What needs fixed?" He said smiling. I stood there smiling at him, day dreaming hard as hell. "Hellooo" he said. "Oh I'm sorry, um I kinda put a hole in the wall, it's in my bedroom." I said showing him. "Oh this won't take long" he said. I wished it took long because I sure do like watching him.

10 mins later...
"All done" he said walking to the living room. "How much you charge?" I said. "No charge." He said smiling. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked. "Well I can't refuse that" he said. We starting a whole conversation and it got really good, he told me that he was Dominican and that he's been in construction for about 4 years. He told me about hisself and I told him about myself. Then the real question popped up. "Are you single?" He asked. "You can kinda say that, are you?" I asked. "Yes I'm single and why do you say kinda" he asked. "Because I'm not so sure about the guy I date, his name is Jeremy" I said. "Jeremy Mitchell?" He asked. "Yes how'd you know?" I said smiling. He put down his cup. "No no, he's terrible!" He said. "What do you mean" I said laughing. "All jokes aside. Your a beautiful girl but that guy is a send out, he works for that cops" he said. "When you say send out what do you mean." I said. "He does ALLL THE DIRTY WORK FOR THE COPS. He creates this imagine as a good boy." He said. I thought to myself for a second then... I realized my dad is a cop! "WHAT THE FUCKK!" I blurted out panicking.

To be continued....

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