4 School Girls

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I'm Hazel and I have three friends, Robin, Summer and April. I met them when I transferred over to their high-school. 

April is rather pretty. She is more cute than beautiful. Whenever we go outside she makes flower crowns from whatever she can find. 

I first met her after I showed up on the field after starting at the school. I noticed how loads of people had flower crowns. Even the guys had them on. Each person's crown was different. This one guy had a thorn crown, entwined with a sprinkle of roses. A small, gentle looking girl had a classic daisy crown.

Only after minutes looking around for the crowns' maker, had I seen her. April was in the corner of the field surrounded by flowers and a queue of people. It was a real sight. She did not seem to be fazed by the mass of people around her. Her calmness intrigued me. I took a few skip towards the base of operations. 

Her bouncy personality only shows after knowing her for a bit of time. I usually don't have to cover up much from her. When I do, she's just being particularly social. Luckily she isn't as bad as Robin.

Robin can't keep a secret if her life depended on it. It's why we cover up almost everything. Her inability for keeping secrets is not complimentary to her personality. Robin is a cold hard girl. 

I met her when some boys were harassing me. They were doing the usual wolf-whistling, calling me out sort of thing. One chased me and grabbed me from behind. Robin marched over, head held high, and punched his jaw. It was hard enough that I heard the crunch of his pure white teeth. 

She seems to hate the whole of humanity. She turns on people really quickly. One minute she'll be really nice and the next she'll gives you the cold shoulder. She usually only goes back to her usual slightly nicer self if you send her bluebells or snowdrops. April is the one that I grab my forgiveness flowers from. I normally don't have to bring many. Robin follows me around all the time. It's actual quite nice to know I'm not going to be alone. Robin is almost always by my side. Until that inevitable teacher that pulls us apart. Luckily that teacher thinks I work well with summer.

Summer is an amazing person. She's warm and loving and you don't have to cover much from her. The only thing is... she's too hot. She always brings boys to us. I don't mind a little attention but this is too much. She only brings the attention when she comes home though. She's usually off in America or Australia, visiting family. She rarely in England. When she is back here, though, she spoils us all with gifts.

That's how I met her. Through gifts. After I made friends with April, Summer arrived back in England. She greeted April with a pair of crockery lambs. She turned to me with a look of surprise and interest. She looked through her bag and pulled out a box of chocolates, mumbling something about not liking the person she was going to give them to. I was grateful and shared them with my two new friends. The next day I met Robin. That first week was the most amazing week of all. I love my new friends!


Hey my beauties!

I'm gonna upload every Thursday night. I might be late because of school though

X bye X

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