The End.

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Death brushed my hair as I sit. The gun pointed at my head. My hand clenched around the grip, safety off. He brushed my hair out of the way. It soothed me and my mind. Death guides his hand over my body. He sends a sensation over me. It numbs me. My emotion are gone. I'm not afraid to die any more. It's like a trance. He has me under hs magical spell. Death slid his gloved hand over my sweating one. He gave me the strength I needed. In an instant I pulled the trigger.

This is gonna be cheesy and shit but if you ever feel bad, I am free all the time and if I'm not then I will be within the hour unless I'm asleep but that's not often. Text me if you ever feel like this.

Also sorry about the spam. I have quite a few writing that I've stocked up for when my confidence is high. In all honesty I don't rlly like my writing but just putting it out there makes me happy.

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