"disrespectful" - k.namjoon ambw

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it was 2:34 am, her husband namjoon hasn't come home yet

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it was 2:34 am, her husband namjoon hasn't come home yet. it was their 5th anniversary. ayesha is sick and tired of this disrespect. she feels like her life is becoming a mafia au. she dressed apropriatly for him, obeyed him, gave him the best sex, even though she wasn't comfortable, gave him her virginity, she also gave him a daughter of his own named cari. and all she gets back is disrespect.

ayesha was sick and tired of this relationship, she wanted to end it all. she wanted to kill herself, end her life but her daughter needed a mother. 

namjoon was always coming home drunk or bringing other sluts and hoes home to smash. that bastard is always horny.

"when is that idiot coming home?" ayesha shrieked. this child won't stop fucking crying!


silence. ayesha decided to call one of her maids, since they were the only ones who cared about her, besides from her sister.

her sister, alysha was a horny ass gold digger. she only slept with guys who had money. she even slept with her husband namjoon. how shocking?

"delora! young-mi! come downstairs, please. i need you guys desperately."

when she said that, the maids rushed downstairs. 

"good-morning mrs kim!" they both say in sync.

"good-morning darlings.. can you ladies help me calm down cari? she is being too loud and obnoxious."

"yes, ma'am!" 

they instantly take the baby upstairs, singing lullabies to keep the baby quiet.

"finally.. peace..." she says while drinking the red wine straight out of the bottle.

ayesha puts on "when the party is over" by billie, on the speaker. while it was playing, her tears start pouring out while she quietly sings along.

*knock, knock*

"shit. he is back," ayesha whispered.

the door unlocks, ayesha slowly opens her eyes to see a drunk namjoon with some tall black girl... 

"hey sister." the girl says


"yep. it's me alysha. aka namjoon's future wifey okurr!" she screamed

"namjoon... how dare you." 

"tsk.. what did i do bitch?" he asked, acting clueless

"what the fuck do you mean wHat dId i dO? you fucking cheated on me with my own fucking sister!" she screamed.

"how dare you raise your voice woman! who the hell do you think you are talking to?" namjoon spat.

after he said that he gave her a hot burning slap. hot angry tears started falling off ayesha's cheeks while alysha's laugh started echoing through the corridors.

"yoooo! joonie why didn't you slap my ass like that while we were fucking? i am jealous..." 

the maids heard the screaming and then dashed downstairs to see the matter.

"mrs kim!" they squeaked. they rush to her to see why she was crying.

"why are you two downstairs, you freaks?" namjoon boomed

"to see why your wife is crying! how dare you slap your own wife! you monster..." delora spoke.

"what the fuck did you say to joonie?" alysha spat as she was about the slap delora


hot burning tears flow off delora's left cheek, instead of breaking down, she just grinned widely.

young-mi didn't dare to speak. she wasn't that confident speaking to her boss face to face, unlike delora. she was afraid to face the consequences.

"delora, young-mi. you should leave," ayesha mumbled.

"n-no." young-mi croaked.

"what did you say?" namjoon asked.

"i said NO." young-mi shrieked.

she got the half-empty wine bottle and smashed it against namjoon's head.

"oh man, holy shit! i can't do this anymore!" alysha screamed as she ran out of the mansion without hesitation, never looking back

"young-mi... did you just... kill him?" ayesha muttered

delora slowly walked up to him to check his pulse.


"mrs kim. h-he is dead."delora said in a low voice.

"mrs kim.. i am so so s-sorry!" young-mi quickly apologized. "i didn't mean to end his life! it was a mistake i-

ayesha just let out small giggles.

"mrs kim...?" delora called out her name

ayesha just let out loud giggles.

she turned around to face them. she gave them an abnormally creepy smile.

she walked up to them to give them a bone-crushing hug.

"finally! he is fucking dead! i am free! we are free!" she screams.

"delora, young-mi, call me ayesha." she smiled. "you guys don't need to be my maids anymore! instead, be my roommates... since my husband is dead we can rule this home now"

young-mi and delora gave her a big smile.

"deal?" she asked


"you really thought i was dead?" namjoon asked while standing up.

"young-mi, delora quick! step on the bitch!"


(A/N: i am eating this egg, it tastes wack)

760 words


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