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TWO Beth's boss is an absolute asshole and should proceed to fuck himself.

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Beth shouldn't be on her phone. She should pay attention to what was being said at the meeting. However, Michael's text kept her phone's screen lit and inviting.

[what's up with that username? @wildechild]

No, she shouldn't answer. Not right now. Her boss, sitting right next to her, could notice her texting and he would be all levels of pissed.

As the guy from P.R. kept talking and showing graphs or whatever, Beth wondered what she would answer to Michael. She had already made up her mind about texting him as soon as she made it out alive from that insufferable meeting.

Her boss shot her an evil stare as if he could read her mind, so she thought it best to pretend to take some notes as if she was paying attention. What was that meeting about, even? She had so much more useful stuff to do. Calls to make, appointments to set, calendars to organize...

The guy from P.R. switched to another graph that said something along the lines of "How our customer views us" and Beth couldn't help but roll her eyes. She took her cell from her pocket and started typing.

[my last name's Wilde. I thought it was a good pun...? wild child, Wilde...]

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I should marry her, Mickey thought. She makes puns.

On the back seat of a fancy black sedan, Mickey waited, as he noticed Beth was still typing. He could barely believe the very first person he chose to talk to on the app was such a... Lovely girl. Just, so nice. She made him feel good about life, in a general matter.

She was fun, but also understanding. They had great late-night conversations, and silly early-morning jokes. Even though they've only been talking for the last three days, he felt like he could tell her anything. And as far as he was concerned, she could tell him anything too. He found that he enjoyed learning all the things about her...

Like how she liked her coffee with chocolate powder in it, hated going for runs, or walking for that matter, but loved to dance alone in her living-room. She thought of herself as a bit of an artsy person but was always too lazy to finish any of her projects and, if asked, would tell people she had not a single talented bone in her, whatsoever. Which Mickey could already tell was a lie she told herself out of insecurity. He knew something about that, too.

[idk, it was the first thing that came to mind, my friend was pressuring me! she sorta forced me to make this profile], she texted, about her username pun.

[and you're one to talk! Mister RandomGuy26? srsly?]

[It makes a lot of sense to me. maybe someday you'll get it]

Mickey wasn't going to say Oh, it's cause I'm super famous, so you see the joke, right?

[do you have a nickname?]

[Michael sounds way too serious, I feel like I should call you by a nickname. I'm a nickname person]

Somehow, he didn't really want to tell her what people called him. It felt nice being just Random Dude Michael.

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