Welcome to Somalia

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"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" The general shouted as he entered the barracks and hit the wall with his baton. Six soldiers slowly got out of bed. "SPOONER, DELTA, LOOKER, AVOS, BOOKER, AND BIO GET GEARED UP! YOU GUYS ARE HEADING TO SOMALIA!" The general shouted again. "Boss there really ain't no reason to yell. I feel like I'm back at basic already." Looker said. "Just get geared up. And most importantly don't forget about your masks." The general said. The six soldiers ate breakfast and went to the arsenal to pick up their their weapons and balaclava masks. Each soldier had the same mask but with a different color and design. "Let's just get this done and over with so I can watch the baseball game today." Avos said as he picked up two 1911's with laserpointers and aimed down the sights. "Try to be more enthusiastic." Bio said as he grabbed 4 grenades and pulled down his yellow mask with a black spade on the front of it. After all the men get geared up they go outside the base and see a v-22 Osprey waiting for them. They board it and sat down where they see the general salute them at the rear door closes. "What the hell is in Somalia anyway?" Booker asked. "Well if ya read the mission report we are gonna kill some terrorists that hacked the jumbotrons in Time Square last night." Delta replied. The flight took about six hours to get to Somalia. The Osprey was finally about to land. "Looks like we're here." One of the pilots said. "Get rea-" The pilot was shot in the head before he could finish his sentence. The Osprey started spinning in circles in the air and crashed down hard, waking the six soldiers up. "The hell!?" Looker shouted as he heard multiple gunfire outside. Booker opened the rear door of the Osprey and saw Somalian soldiers with ak-47s charging and screaming at them. He raised his m429 lmg and opened fire. He saw the soldiers get tore up with bullets as they fell to the ground. "Move out!" Bio shouted as he ran out of the Osprey only to get tackled by a soldier. Avos fired four bullets at the soldier and killed him. "Try not get yourself killed." Avos said to Bio. "Fuck off." Bio replied. The six soldiers ran outside of the Osprey. It then got blown up by an RPG. "Providing cover fire!" Delta shouted as he raised his bolt action sniper rifle and shot at the Somalian soldier with an RPG in his hands. Delta saw the soldier's chest explode with blood. "Looks like we're at an airport!" Bio shouted. "What gave you that idea?" Spooner said sarcastically. "Does everyone have to be a dick all of sud-" he was interrupted by two gunshots that grazed Spooner by the neck and and went through his bullet resistant vest. He collapsed to the ground. Everyone took cover behind the airport vehicles. SPOONER!" Looker shouted as he saw him twitch uncontrollably and choke on his own blood. Delta raised his sniper rifle and saw the soldiers who fired at Spooner. Delta pulled the trigger on his sniper rifle blasting one of the soldier's heads off. The other soldier panicked and raised his hands trying to say he surrendered. Delta pulled the trigger again and saw the soldier fall off the building. The Somalian soldiers were retreating now. Everyone gathered around Spooner. "No time to mourn. Let's go." Avos said as he reloaded his 1911s. "Welcome to Somalia." Bio said. They all got in an old truck and drove out of the airport going to the location where the enemy might be.

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