Chapter 4

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France's POV

Im finally done talking with that weirdo doctor. Im just glad Russia cared, or even BOTHERED to tell someone. He usually doesn't care about the big things around him.
Whatever, its getting late, America looks like he's alseep, and everyone else looks tired. "Lets go back to camp you guys.." I say, very tired. "Sounds like a plan" my husband replies. So me, Russia, and UK step outside and i feel a pain of guilt for leaving America.
We got back to camp and got ready for bed, when I saw a white-tailed deer. "Is that the deer America was talking about..?" I thought. I slowly walked to my tent not wanting to startle it. I zipped up the tent and went to sleep.

Russias POV

Tonight, I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about what happened. "How could this happen..?" Then with the thought, I slowly started falling alseep...

I woke up in the middle of the night by a rusting, again, but it wasn't America. I quietly unzipped the tent and- I don't believe it... its that same deer! I decided to follow it. I have no idea why, but i started to follow it. Yes, i was paying attention to the ground. After the deer launched itself forward, but it wasnt running. It was more like, prancing..? I kept following it, being cautious of the muggy floor.
The deer walked through some thick bushes. I couldn't see through them but, i pushed them apart. I found America, lying on a stump, and his leg was healed!! Glowing mushrooms filled the place with light and life.

"America!!" I exclaimed. I was... happy.. to see him. I picked him up with my arms, turned towards the deer and said, "Thank you."
The deer looked at me, turned around and ran away.
Suddenly, America started coughing.
Thick vines grew around him as he coughed ink from his dead mouth. "Oh my god..." i thought, "what is he doing..?"
He stopped. I felt his pulse, but there was none... he was dead.

I woke up startled by what happened.
I look over, and see France and UK are still sleeping. I look out of the tent, "no deer" i thought. I guess it was just a dream, thankfully.
I turned on my phone to see what time it was, 4:32 a.m.
"Ugh.. what kind of a dream was that..?" I thought.

☆time skip☆


I just got up, and im about to get breakfast ready. I woke up my wife, and I stepped out of the tent.
I got out a pan, and lighted the fire.
"I can't believe that happened..." I said quietly, "yeah.. me too" my wife replied.
I started making our breakfast: London Pie (yes i got this from google)

I started making our breakfast: London Pie (yes i got this from google)

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"Nice" my wife complemented.
It almost sounded like she was sarcastic, but hey, its the morning, something horrible happened yesterday, I would feel the same.

America's POV

I opened my eyes, and looked over. I sae my shades sitting on a table, along with some breakfast. I wasn't hungry, but I put on my glasses, and look down at my right leg. And its just rolled up in bandages. "Good thing they got the bear trap out" i thought to myself. I kept thinking about Russia, and when I was holding his hand. I blushed a little at the thought. "Will they come back today..?" I mumbled. 

Nobody's POV

UK was in his tent (probably packing up), when he noticed America's backpack was gone!

"Blimey..." he whispered to himself. He kept searching the tent, still couldn't find it. He then figured that France took it with her when they were taking America to the ER. "France," he asked, "have you taken America's backpack to the Hospital?" "No, why?" "because its missing!". "oh dear!" France exclaimed. whatever happened to it?

"Russia," asked UK, "have you seen America's backpack?" "no, I haven't, did you check the tent?" Russia asked, "yes, i have... its gone!" UK  said concerned.

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