The Beginnings

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"I told you I don't want you anywhere near those beast their dangerous and you shouldn't go anywhere near them!"

"Their not dangerous their defensive stop attacking them and they'll stop attacking you!"

She stormed out of her room not wanting to listen to her mother anymore. "You get back here you little brat!"

She ignored her mother running out of their small house and through the village to the forest. She ran ignoring the rocks cutting her feet or the tree branches scratching her feet till she reached the cliffside and the nests.

Dragon nest they were positioned up and down the cliffside cut into the stone look down at them from above you could see the burning hot rocks and the unhatched eggs laying on top.

It was breeding season still so the fathers wouldn't be here for another week or two.

She started climbing down the cliff carefully till she reached one of the higher nest climbing into it.

The two eggs in the nest were massive the bigger one reaching her waist. Maneuvering her way around the eggs with out burning her self was hard the eggs were over eight hundred degrees and should burn her flesh off if she touched them.

She made her way to the opening in the cliff behind the eggs in the nest it lead to a big cavern with a divot in the middle the dragons rested in.

Scattered around the edge were dark blue scales hundreds of them all the size of her hand the dragons shed them regularly and the scales were stronger than any material they could use for armor.

Collecting as many she could about twenty she made her way back to the nest and carefully climbing back up to the top of the cliff.

Instead of heading home she hid in the shrub on the top of the cliff in case a dragon came back so she could see them.

Unlike most people including almost her entire village Angel wasn't afraid of the dragons instead she wanted to see and learn everything she could about them.

Including their song. The Dragon Song was how they communicated with each other hundreds of people had tried to decide what it meant but with no success.

Angel though she understood it she understood everything the dragons said and what they meant.

The priests of the village called her gifted the townspeople called her cursed he own family forced her to cover up the scale birthmarks that covered her arms and forehead not wanting the rest of the family disgraced by her hideous appearance.

"Angel! Where are you mother wants you home!" Morth was calling for her. "I'm here."

She stood up and walked over to him. "What are you doing near the cliff?"

"Watching the sky dragons fly by here sometimes."

"WHAT? Why are you here then?!" He grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the cliff towards the village. "Relax its breeding season they're not usually here this time of year." Morth was always protective and the only member of her family who actually cared about her.

"How do you know that? Why are you so obsessed with the beasts?"

She pulled a dragon scale out of her bag. "I have these though."

He snatched the scale from her. "Where did you get these?"

"Dragons shed them when they land on the cliff their usually a few scattered around there.

"How many of these do you have?" "At least four hundred but maybe more."

"Four hundred you have four hundred dragon scales! Do you know how much money we could make if we sold even half of those?"

She snatched the scale from him. "Yes I know but I'm not selling them go find your own!"

"What? I'm not going over there and looking for dragon scales they'll probably show up and try to kill me!"

She shrugged and started walking towards the village. "I don't see why your so afraid of dragons they've never done anything to you."

"Well not all of us are incapable of feeling pain some of us are afraid of the damage a dragon attack can do." She rolled her eyes.

"Why do you always bring that up it's not relevant I can still die and break bones and stuff even if I can't feel it."

"Do you ever realize how lucky you are most of the villagers would kill to have what you have."

"A bunch of scales and the inability to feel pain, yeah awesome things to have." He looked at her like she was crazy.

"The inability to feel pain is that irrelevant to you?"

"I don't even know what's the big deal is I've never even felt anything before at all so I have a different view on it than you!"

She stormed into the village ignoring the people staring at her it happened all the time so she learned to ignore it. The Temple of Ra (for this story I'm going to use the Egyptian gods for their worship) came into view and she sprinted towards it.

The Priestess Samara look up at her as she ran in. (Another thing in this story angel's have no religious value there is a type of flower called an angel so her mother named her that) "Angel are you ok?"

"Do you think I take the gods gifts for granted?" Samara set down the bowl she was carrying and knelt down on one of the cushions that surrounded the statue in the middle of the room.

"Sit I have to tell you something." She slowly made her way to the priestess and sat down.

"Has your mother ever told you about your birth?" "No she never brought it up." "Angel... you are not human."


Hello author here whenever the type is like this italics I think it's not part of the story. This story is basically for when I'm bored so updates will be random and not often unless I get alot of inspiration to write it suddenly anyway I hope you enjoy it.

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