Chapter one

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"Smoke, smoke, every where as the fire is blazing and the heat waves pound on my face, things get more and more blurry and faded. I can hear muffled yelling in the distance. Large roars from a creature in the middle of the room blow my hair in the wind like a hurricane indoors. I start tossing and turning trying to standup, but luck is not on my side, and I plop to the floor. As a tinted figure in the distance starts to clear, I realize it's my father and try to yell to him, but my throat is so dry, I just cough it up. Then BOOM ... Everything goes black."

"Zack," I hear in a muffled voice as I wakeup. "What is it Alana," I say in a fake tired tone. "Oh, don't play dumb with me. You had that dream again, didn't you?" As I look down at my mysterious necklace, I hear a loud bang. "Aaand there's dad," Alana says. "he's probably angry at the maid again" I add. As my father storms into my room and my favorite picture falls of the wall I notice he's in dragling form with his red a black scales and giant spiked ball at the end of his tail *** draglings are half dragon half humans and can change at will this is a quick fact and I will have them throughout my book for people who may not know this is a long one but will be shorter*** "ZACK did you see this peasant maid clean my room last night because it's trashed" "Yeah dad it was clean after she left the room ,well let's think about this you when't too the bar with governor plazo you know he's always competing for your position maybe he sent his son to do the job" "God dang the son of the devil strikes again I will be talking to plazo about this I think his senator promotion is out the window" "See dad when you think about things you can make sense out of it say why didn't fire him a thousand years ago" "because of politics son because of politics, be ready for the jousting today and Alana teach him how to to form" " yes father " Alana responded"

3 HOURS LATER .......

"Ok zack you know how when you clench your fist your eyes gloss over well that's your body saying it's ready after that you put your fist on your chest and wait a few seconds you'll start changing and your clothing size changes to so go behind the tarp I set up" Alana explained, as I walk behind the tarp I mumble the instructions over again while waiting for my eyes to gloss as soon as they are I touch my fist to my chest and wait but nothing happens I wait longer but again nothing happens "Alana nothing's" but I was cut of by movement in my body suddenly extreme pain hits me and I fall to the ground screaming "Alana" "It's ok it will only hurt for a few seconds the pain will stop!" Alana responded in a faint voice. As I try to stand up the whole world goes back to normal except for the fact that my clothes are ripped off and my skin now looks completely different and feels like plated steal armor. " Clothes are in the chest and a mirror too" Alana said butting into my thoughts "Note to self" I responded as I opened the dresser once I finished putting on the royal purple robe I look at my dreadful white and blue scales I moan "there so ugly" "come out let me see you" Gabby ( the mean sister) "yup there ugly " she comments "we'll I think there pretty" Alana adds giving me a bit of self confidence "go show dad see what he says, but I bet he'll laugh" Gabby says driving my self confidence back down " no he most certainly won't go show him Zack proof her wrong" Alana said in a disgusted voice.

Ok I thought to myself, dad is right around the corner and my choice of words might blow it so just shut up and wait for an answer.
as I walk towards my father "Oh Zack your here I would like you to meet your competition for this years jousting tournament Tyler governor plazos son" "We have met before dad this is the kid that tried to steal your gold from me on the way to the bank" "Vary well go and get your armor and your new horse elesies both of which are in the stable." As I make my way to the stable I catch a glimpse of Caleb my best friend at the academy of swordsmanship "Hey Caleb, over here" I yell and he starts to walk toward me "Like my scales" I say proudly, but with a slight look of disappointment he answers "yours are so much cooler, I'm orange and brown and your white and blue" "mine are ugly yours are cool" I corrected "whatever" Caleb says in a bored tone "wanna meet my new horse" I say excitedly "sure" Caleb responds
Together we walk in the stable as I strap on my armor Caleb talks to my new horse elesies which is white with steal and gold plated armor matching to mine. Knights of the tournament first and last call, a booming voice announced. "Well I see you after the tournament knock'em dead" Caleb said as he took his seat on the bleachers "I'll bet I'm the one who's going to die" I whispered to myself. As I mounted my horse the starting trumpets rang in my ears and my horse took off toward the arena. Me and the other gladiators lined up In are row as they announced who would be jousting the first match. Teddy nore against prince Zachary, they announced. As I strapped my helmet on my opponent was already on the other side of the arena. Ready, start and the gate let down just then elesies took off toward my enemy as I started to focus the world started to slow down and I precisely aligned my lance to Teddy's chest then crack my lance snapped into many pieces and my enemy had been defeated. One after another my enemies fell begging for mercy but when the bells of the final match rang I started to tense up and my horse following the action did the same. My enemy was ready and was not then snap it had begun and the mysterious knight was speeding toward me and I stood in place trying to correct my horse. Then bam I was on the ground longing for air to replenish its place in my lungs. Surprisingly my armor remained unscathed but my horses armor was dented we'll. as I stood up again people insisted that I lay on the stretcher but I just walked out of the arena trying to keep calm when arrived at the armory my father was throwing my things everywhere
"Dad" I yelled "what are you doing. "Do you know you where about to win me five million dollars" he responded "just when I thought you could do it you lose miserably" "I knew I was making a mistake not killing you all those years ago when I trapped your mother in that egg of yours, but I thought I saw a slight bit of potential, well I guess I was wrong" he continued but just then Alana said in the background "your a monster" "yeah and this monster still owns you so both of you go to your room" my father hollered and we both when't to our rooms. After a few minutes Alana popped into my room. " we need to talk " she said staring as I packed my things into an old satchel and threw it over my shoulder "nothing to talk about I'm leaving and that's it" I responded as i sheathed my sword and threw my bow and arrows over my other shoulder "well I want to go with you" Alana quickly said before I walked out my bedroom door, I paused thinking for a few moments "ok we ride at dawn ready or not I leave" I stated "understood" she said lowly "see you tomorrow" "see you" I waved and shut the door.

For a new age had begun

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book and thank you for bearing through the great amount of time it took me to write. Don't forget to vote,follow, and recommend : yours robo-wolf.

Currently being edited.

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