Chapter two

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"Get up" I say to myself as I hear Alana whispering something from the other side of my door. So I stand up and slip on a shirt and some jeans "I'm coming" I explain to Alana as she continues whispering, and I pick up my bags and throw them over my shoulder. "I will meet you at the stables and we'll get the horses, ok" I say to Alana and she takes of down the stairs "shhh" I blurt out "quiet, don't wake the guards or they will send us back to bed" and I tip toe out the front door. "Silence is the key" I say to myself as the barn door creaks open and I hop inside "saddle up" I whisper to Alana "and quick the sun is rising" I add as I toss on an old pair of boots. "Your horse is already saddled and armored" Alana explains "who else knew about us leaving " I said " well I might've just told a few friends" Alana explained "what the heck you may have the just blown the whole operation " I shouted just then the alarm bells sound and guards start to take there positions "hop on" I yell from on top of my horse "but what about my horse" Alana screams "hand me the lead rope she will follow us" I responded "ha ha" I yell to my horse, and we take off toward the front gate fortunately for us it was open so we zip through it and into the behr forest. "We have long tedious journey ahead of us" I say " vary long" Alana agrees "vary, vary long"

Later that morning

"We need to find refuge, the town of Grindle Is near by. Maybe we will find an inn" I suggest as Alana hops on top of her horse "much of the population there is human, and us Draglings face a lot of racism" Alana says gleefully "you read to much" I mumble to myself "what was that" Alana says loudly "nothing" I respond "I will try to hunt for our food but I warn you I'm really bad at it, oh and we will need to go into town while we're not in dragon form and you still are so fix that" Alana said " ok here's what's happening I'm the hunter your the watchdog look out for a search party and get yourself a weapon oh and find us a hotel" I command "sheesh" Alana responded as I tossed her my bags " by honey I'm going to get dinner " I say sarcastically, as I draw my bow and arrow a distant rustling noise catches my attention, and I start to walk towards it. With twigs snapping under my feet the creature is startled and it scurries up the nearest tree, just then I hear an elk and I think to myself "the hunt is on". I crouch down and try to keep quiet as I move toward my target. With the animal in my sight I am ready to fire and bam the sound of the arrow making contact with the wood booms in my ears as I realize the elk is now gone. "Dang" I think to myself "I'm done, I think I'll just buy from the food market". So I hop on my horse and take off toward town. Once I arrived I spot Alana waiting for me in front of the hotel. "How do you like it" she says happy with herself "I'm happy that you considered comfort but this is exactly were they would expect us to stay so unfortunately we will have to stay somewhere a lot more dumpy like that place over there" I respond pointing to an old inn held up by rotting planks and rope. "I'll go get a refund" Alana says sadly. As we ride toward the inn I notice an old man sleeping beside the road with a cup next to him. Feeling bad for him and his ragged clothes I put one thousand gold in his cup. ( 100,000 American dollars in this time ) "why did you do that we need the money" Alana yells "I have plenty" I say as I show her my sack full of gold "shhh tell no one" I add as I wink

Once we make it to are rooms I plop on the bed and try to go to sleep but the noise of laughter stops me. As I look out the window to see what's going on I realize the old man had woken up and found the gold I left for him, " he is jumping with joy now Alana." I yell, just then a younger man pushes the old man down and starts to gather the gold so I open the window and aim my bow at him "unless you want an arrow through your head I suggest you put the gold down and go" I yell so he did "thank you so much " the old man say with joy " "no problem, take care of your self with that" I responded  as I shut the window " who was that"Alana says while putting on her makeup "the old man thanking me" I say nervously "ok" she responds
"Well I'm going to bed" I say loudly just to annoy her "whatever" she responds as I plop on the bed
"good night" she says "good night" I respond with a yawn

The next morning

"All right Alana we need to go home" I command " were those tyrants are, no way" she responds angrily
"There we will find answers to our mothers death and hopefully steal more supplies"  I add
"Fine but I'm not going to hurt anyone " Alana accepts as we mount our horses " why is that old man still laying in the street" I wonder do myself "was the gold I gave you not enough" I yell " oh it was more than enough but I am here for a separate reason" he responds "and what is that" I ask
" it is only for certain peoples ears, tell me what you you think of the king, Arc Raw"
"I am not fond of him why" I question "come closer and I will tell you, feel free to draw your sword if you don't trust me" he responds, so I dismount my horse draw my sword and lean in " we are recruiting men and women to stand against the King in the form of force" he whispers " we're not interested I respond"
"If you change your mind we meet in the city pier" he says as I mount my horse again " tomorrow at midnight " he adds "thank you for your time sir but I do not imagine us going to that" I say politely.

"Do you hear that Alana" I say " um hear what" she responds "the whispers" i say then everything goes black
"Hello" I say as my words echo throughout the strange looking cave and a loud smooth voice responds
"Your answers lie in your potential tomb" it says " what answers and what tomb" I ask just then a large dragon pokes its head out of the mist "only time will tell" it responds

"Zack, Zack wake up"Alana says as I slowly regain consciousness "what the heck just happened" she continues when she realizes I'm awake. "I think it was are mom" I answer "that's not possible" Alana doubts "oh but it is, remember when dad said he trapped her inside the egg of mine, well the only thing I own that is egg shaped Is my necklace" I say proud that I figured it out. "How could she possibly fit inside that" Alana wonders out-loud "simple dad used magic" I say proud of myself again. "How do you even know if it is mom anyway" Alana asks "that's also simple, it sounded like her" I respond "good point " Alana says.
After a few hours Alana and I arrive at the gaits of the city only find it on lockdown, so we both go behind separate trees to reform into draglings to hide are identity. "Ready" I whisper to Alana "ya yeah"she stutters.
So we start walking towards the two guards, "may we please enter" I ask politely
"State your business" the tall gruffly one says with an authoritative voice "we are traders from Borden-wood" Alana says gesturing to our bags "you may enter" short one responds opening the door. Just then the large man pulls Alana of her horse slamming her into the wall. So I leap off of my horse and put the small one on the ground and in a choke hold with my legs.
"Let her go or I crush his wind pipe " I yell to the tall man but before he does Alana head buts him knocking him out, so instead of killing the guy in my legs I just snap his neck and stand up. "Wow being in form really makes your head harder" I laugh,
"Freeze" gabby says out of the blue, so I look to the side seeing that she has her bow drawn and aimed at us
"You can't stop me with one arrow my skin is practically impenetrable" I say walking through the gate
"Look behind you" she responds but I only see Alana "now look up" gabby adds so I do and I see the whole city wall lined with soldiers and their bows.
Not only had we been betrayed, we had been captured

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