Chapter 7

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I wake up on my bed the next day. Nothing really happened yesterday after we got home, just everyone relaxing and such. I get dressed and realized it is Saturday. I make a quick piece of toast and put butter on it then leave my apartment. I walk down the three flights of stairs and see a few people up. Sammy and Kyle are sitting on the couch, Sammy straddling Kyle as they eat each other's face off. Drake sits awkwardly in a chair nearby, trying to watch 'We're The Millers'. Josh stands in a circle of girls, boasting about his accomplishments. Drake spots me and gives me a small smile, which I return and sit in a chair in the living room area and watch the movie as well.
"Hey," Josh says suddenly, "why don't you two find a room? No one wants to see you suck one another's face," Sammy pulls back and stands up, glaring at Josh angrily while holding Kyle's hand.
"You know what, Josh," she says, a lot of coldness in her voice, "this," she gestures to Kyle and herself, "is true love. Maybe if you would stay with one woman instead of thousands you will finally see what love is," Josh tenses from behind me and he narrows his eyes at Sammy dangerously. I watch him cautiously as his eyes turn into ones similar to a wolf's and his nose and mouth grow into a long muzzle and his body becomes all hairy and a black tail sprouts from his butt. Soon, Josh is a black wolf, snarling at Sammy, who is now a golden eagle, perched on Kyle's arm as her now golden eyes are glaring at Josh. Josh then leaps and Sammy takes flight and her razor sharp talons are aimed for his body. Sammy hits him and digs her claws into his side. The wolf howls in pain as it jumps away from Sammy. Josh turns back around and growls at the eagle, red blood running down his black fur. Sammy screeches and Josh barks. Sammy looks over at Kyle and nods and Josh takes that opportunity to pounce. He tackles Sammy and class at her left wing and makes a scratch on her side. Sammy manages to get out of his grasp and lands on top of the couch, her wing bleeding as well as her side.
Josh was about to pounce again when a snake jumps between them, hissing madly at Josh, who stops and backs away. The snake was a black cobra, a small gray eye on the back of its side things. The snakes body was long and looked really muscular. The snake hisses at the wolf before turning to the eagle and hissing the same stuff. Sammy and Josh shift back into their human form, clothes still on. Sammy grits her tenth in pain as she cradles her left arm and side, where they are bleeding at. Josh holds his side as the medics come to heal them both. The snake hisses loudly once more before shifting back into its human form. Drake stands there, glaring at both Josh and Sammy, anger in his eyes. Josh glares back at Drake challengingly while Sammy looks at the floor.
"You two need to knock it off," Drake says loudly and firmly, "we don't need any fighting here, at all. Now, grow up, both of you and stop acting like two year olds," Drake goes to leave, but Josh speaks up.
"Doesn't mean your father owns this building, doesn't mean you can act like the leader of us all, Drake," Josh says bitterly. Drake stops and turns around, narrowing his eyes.
"Doesn't mean you are the most popular guy here, doesn't mean you can treat everyone like crap," Drake says coldly, "I don't have a million girlfriends at once," Josh narrows his eyes dangerously and I was afraid that he will turn again, but he doesn't.
"Well at least I am not rejected," Josh says loudly and Drake tenses. Josh sees this and smirks, knowing he has the upper hand, "you fell for many women and they all left you for another guy. Have you told Payton about this?" I blink and look over at Drake, confused by this. He doesn't look at me as his eyes glare at Josh with pure hatred.
"Don't bring Payton into this," Drake says firmly. Josh smirks as he stares at Drake.
"You like her, don't you?" Josh says softly, his smirk fading as he glares at Drake angrily. Drake shows no emotion other than hatred, "well too bad, snake, she is mine,"
"She is no one's property, Josh," Drake says slowly, meeting Josh's stare, "it's about time you learn that," Drake then turns around and walks up the stairs. Everyone slowly walks away, murmuring about the fight. I sigh and stand up and follow Drake up the stairs.
I find him in the room 2D, pacing. I knock on the open door and he looks up at me and gives me a small smile then sits down in a chair. I shut the door and walk over and sit down as well. It was an awkward silence between us.
"That was...interesting," I finally say, "what happened down there," Drake looks at me before going back to studying the coffee table in front of him.
"It was," he says softly, "but it isn't suppose to happen. Shifters are suppose to work together, not against one another. A fight between two shifters can last for a long time, which it slowly turns into a grudge between those two," I nod slowly and rub my hands slowly together.
"What did Josh mean that you got rejected by a lot of girls?" I ask slowly, choosing each word carefully as I study his face. He sighs and shakes his head slowly.
"Shifters are paired with a different shifter when they are born. For example, if the male shifter is born before the girl shifter, he wouldn't have a match until the one he is matched with is born. It's like fate has chosen them to be together," Drake explains, "some shifters devote their entire lives to finding their Match while some just wait for their match to come to them. How you know you have found your match is when you can talk to them easily, tell them anything and trust them immediately," I nod slowly, wondering who my match is.

"So Josh is one to devote his whole life to finding his match?" I ask curiously, "since he has so many girlfriends?"

"Yes and no," Drake says, "he dates a lot of girls to feel powerful. He doesn't care if he finds his match, but he would like to," I nod and decide to keep my distance from Josh.

"How is your father the owner of this building?" I ask, "you said your family moved away from you since snakes are their bad luck charm.

"They are," he says," But that was my moms side of the family. My dad stayed behind to run this building. He visits every once in a while, but other than that, he stays away," I nod and he looks over at me.

"What about your family?" He asks, "you never talk about them," I shrug.

"There's nothing to talk about really," I say, "my mom is the only parent. My dad left us when my younger sister was born. I have a brother that is younger than me and a sister being the youngest. I assume that my parents were shifters since I am one and such," Drake studies me and gives me a small smile.


Boring chapter near the end. But, if you haven't gotten it from the last chapter, I am having this book and The Elemental Games be connected!

Thanks for reading!


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