1th of December

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Violetta woke up in the morning, and had a look around, Leon was lying besides her, with his arms around her, It feelt warm and safe to be sleeping in his arms, she was laying on her pillow, dreaming of him and his dreamy eyes, she was dreaming of His soft Lips and all the Love she have for him. she turned around, Now she watch him as he sleeps, she wanted to wake him up, but no, she let her prins charming Sleep, he is so cute when he is asleep, soon he will wake up she thought to herself as she picked up her phone, she opened the phone and looked at the date, Today is Sunday 1th of December, she can't belive it's only 24 days untill X-mas, she can feel how her body start shaking, her nervousity gets higher, The time really flew away,Soon it's X-mas and soon Vilu is gonna tell Everyone about her seacret, the seacret that no one knows, Not even Leon, The seacret that she have been hiding In almost three mounths now, The seacret she was too affraid to tell when it happen that she now have keeped quiet about it, she havn't told a soul, But everything will change on X-mas Night, she will tell everyone about it,No matter what! even though she is affraid of their reactions, even though... In her thoughts Leon woke up, "Good Morning My love" he said then he kissed her on the cheek, she start smiling at him, he smiled back, then they got downstairs and started making breakfast, but as they were eating, Leon got a call, He answered, vilu didn't hear his conversation, but as the conversation was done he said to her That it was Pablo who called, He wanted us all to have a meeting at the studio like right now!, Vilu started Laughing "Even though it's Sunday?" Leon said "yes and it seem pretty serious, so we need to hurry!" then they fast finished their breakfast and hurry to the Studio.

 As They got into the classroom and sat down everybody where allreaddy there, Camila asked Pablo "Why did you call us here?" Pablo looked at her and started a speach "I'm glad that you asked, and well the reasson I called you all here is cause me and the other teatcher have planed on something big" we all stared at him, Maxi Asked him "What have you planed?" and Pablo said "Me and the other teatchers have desigded that the studio shall do its verry first X-mas show" Everybody got verry excited of the idea and actually wanted to start right away, But they wanted to know more about it, and attacked Pablo with questions, Pablo told everybody to calm down then he answered each question, one at the time. He told that the point was basiclly that they shall do a show were they sing x-mas songs and maybe even creating their own x-mas songs, It will be good advertasing for the studio and also this show will also be like a charity for children in need, offcorse free & open for everyone to come, We do this to make people around us happy and to get a christmas spirit, People can donate toys and money who will go to famillys who don't have the money or chances of getting any pressent or celebrate christmas, "what do you guys think?" It seemed like everybody agreed, without Ludmila who was gonna tell that the idea of giving a free show, money & pressents like that was weird and stupid and that no one would do that, but federico stopped her, He put his hand on her shoulder as he looked her in the eyes, he took her hand, Ludmi could see in his eyes that she shouldn't call this idea stuppid so she agreed to pablos idea and said nothing.Everybody got verry happy and started talking about it, creating groups & start Working now. Vilu was one of them, she took her pen and start writing on a paper a idea for a christmas song.

Vilu started to write on her x-mas song, as she did Leon looked at her and said said "My love?, Can I ask you a question?" Vilu Laughed "That was a question but you can go again" Leon Started smille to her and say "Wel...I have been written on a duet song perfect for the X-Mas show, and I thought that maybe we could sing it together" Vilu got verry happy and said "Offcorse I wanna sing the song with you" then they hug, Leon becomed really happy, then Vilu asked him to tell her about the song, maybe sing a part from it or something, but he didn't wanna, he said "The song isn't done jet, but when't is I promis I will sing it to you. after that he leaved the room. Vilu got really comfused, "Why did he want me to sing a duet with him on a song that isn't even done?!" Something strange is going on Vilu thought to herself as Fran & Cami go to her, The 3 of them desigded to sing a song together on the show and Vilu also wanted to write her own solo song, The boy band will be singing a song on the show and also naty & Ludmi will do a duet together, Least they will do a group song all together, after all the planning Pablo let them all go home again, but first he told them about a

X-mas suprice he had for them tomorrow. They all got so excited for it and then they all go home.

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