5th of December

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next day, Everybody are in the Studio, "it's the 5th of December..." Pablo said to the class, then he continued "...And Today is the day, you guys will find out the date of the x-mas show!" everybody got excited, "Tell us when!" You could hear from the crowd, Pablo said "The date is...The 13th of December" Now everybody started to become worried you heared someone in the crowd say "It's Just some days left!" and another one said "What are we gonna do?!" Pablo told everybody to calm down, "It will work out just fine" Everybody calmed down, without Vilu, she started to become nervous, Fran and Cami could see it, they asked her if something was wrrong, then violetta told them about her duet with Leon, how it still isn't finished and he havn't even showed it to her jet!, that means she can't help him to write it either, Vilu said that she dosn't think the song will get done untill the show. Fran Peted Vilus head and told her that everything will turn out fine, but just in that moment she realised something and asked "By the way, where is Leon?, he isn't here!" Vilu then told them that Leon said he had something importante to do at home this morning and that i did go to the studio without him, He said he would come Later but that was two hours ago!" Cami then said "You shoulld call him, you know, maybe something happened" Vilu dosn't think that something bad happened but she agreed to call him, but she didn't get a answere, That's really strange! Fran then start to think and said "Vilu, Havn't Leon been going away from you alot lately?" Vilu said "Yes" cause it's true "But that's cause he have manny importante things to do, like band practice and things like that!" Fran and Cami looked at each other then at vilu, they were verry worried and said "Vilu, it sounds a little like he's cheating on you" Vilu couldn't almost belive what they said, Her face turned all red and screamed at them "How dare you say that about him?!, Leon is the most kind, sweet boy I ever meet, I love him and he Loves me more then his own life!, he would never Hurt me or do something like that!" Fran and Cami try to calm Vilu down saying to her that it was just a thought they got as Leon seem to not have been apart of the studio lessons in some days now and they just wanted to make sure that he dosn't do something that hurt Her, Vilu undersstand Their point, and know they mean no bad, she just don't like it when they accuse Leon of things like this when they have no clear prof for it, she tell them "I forgive you, if you promiss not to say anything like that about Leon ever again!" They promissed and as they did that, Naty Entered the room, she interupted the class by saying "There is something importante i need to tell you guys!" Everybody Listened as she said "I just wanted to say that I'm going to celebrate my x-mas in Spain together with my familly and that means I can't be appart of the x-mas show", Cami asked her "When are you leaving" and she said that she leavs tomorrow morning to the airport, and that it seems like the only goodbye they get is now, they all Gave her a big hug, they told her how important she is, that x-mas won't be the same without her and how mutch they will miss her, she thanked everybody for their words and wished them all good luck on the x-mas show and a erlie marry christmas.

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