the 20th of December

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The 20th of December everybody meet at the studio one last time before the hollidays starts, they wanted to say good bye to all the tetchers cause they won't see them in soome weeks, it was verry emotional, the room was filled with happines but also Sadness cause they all knew that they won't see each other in a verry long time, even though they are celebrating
x-mas together and New year also, the tetchers won't be there, only Angie.

It was quiet in the room when Pablo entered the stage, he started a speach about all the good memories from the studio, that they all can remember and how mutch he is gonna miss them all as they are gone.

After pablos speach They all sang together and cellebrated untill it was time to go, they all hugged the tetchers one last time then everybody go home again. 

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