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Luna smiled seeing Emmett and Rosalie leaning on their car, she quickened her pace until she was right in front of them

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Luna smiled seeing Emmett and Rosalie leaning on their car, she quickened her pace until she was right in front of them.

Emmett wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. Luna giggled and hugged back, not minding the coldness of his skin. She felt safe in his arms, she felt safe with all of them.

"Hey sunshine, ready to go?" Rosalie interrupts, getting Luna's bag and placing it in her car. Luna didn't know why but one day Rosalie had started to call her sunshine but she wasn't complaining, she liked it.

Emmett laughed lightly as Luna nodded happily in response to Rosalie, he opened the door for his young mate. She climbed into the backseat, putting her seatbelt on.

Emmett got into the passenger seat while Rosalie hopped into the drivers side. She started the engine and got ready to drive out of the parking lot.

Luna gasped causing Rosalie to pause and look back worriedly while Emmett looked at his young mate in confusion.

"Put your seatbelts on! You could get hurt" she scolded, Emmett and Rosalie looked at her in amusement but listened nonetheless.

Once her seatbelt was on rose drove off.

:::::::::::::::time skip:::::::::::::::

Luna slowly stepped out the car, staring at the Cullens house in amazement.

She turned towards Emmett and rose "you live here?" She asked in disbelief.

Emmett nodded proudly, happy his mate liked his home and hopeful that one day it will be her home too.

Rosalie grabbed Luna's hand gently and pulled her inside the house, she started at the inside of the house in wonder.

"C'mon, I want you to meet my parents." She told Luna who smiled up at the blonde.

Rose lead her into the kitchen where her family stood, Esme and Alice placing bowls of fruits and a plate of cookies on the center of the table, Bella was laughing at something Edward said, Jasper was in the living room putting movies he thought Luna might like on a nearby table.

"How do i look?" Esme asked her first mate who smiled warmly at her.

"Beautiful. Like always. And she'll think so too" Carlisle reassured his wife, kissing her temple.

Esme smiled at him but gasped softly catching sight of Luna, Carlisle turned towards his wife's gaze and took a sharp intake of breath, she was even more beautiful than they thought.

"Luna, they're our parents, Esme and Carlisle." Rosalie introduced them. Luna gave them a captivating smile.

Esme stepped forward and embraced her in a tight hug. Luna returned the hug just as tight. Even thought she didn't know the woman, she felt comfort in her arms.

Carlisle placed a hand on his wife's lower back as if to say 'you should let go. It's been a while.' Esme took the hint and pulled back smiling softly at her.

"Are you hungry? I didn't really prepare anything except cookies and there's fruit on the table but I could make you something."

Luna smiled but shook her head "I'm always hungry but I think it's better if rose and I get started on our project. Thank you though, maybe next time." She declined, she quickly added the lady part seeing Esme's smile falter slightly.

"It's alright. You girls go work and we'll call you down when dinners ready. Alright?" Carlisle spoke up for the first time since Luna's got here, she nodded eagerly at the mention of food causing the cullens to chuckle at their innocent mate.

The Cullen's shared mate [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now