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(A/N Inspiration for Harry's outfit (above) accept in white and the leather shoulder piece as feathers)

'I'm not staying here.'

'Draco, you need to rest.'

'I'm not staying here. I have a date to keep with Harry.'

'I don't think you're strong enough. You're doing well, but I'm not sure the large crowds of people are a good idea at the moment. You would do better to gradually build towards attending events like this. We can form a plan; have you visit places where you'll subject yourself to progressively larger crowds.'

'I'm not missing tonight.'

'Do I need to have you admitted to St Mungo's?'

'Why would you do that? I haven't self-harmed for months, I'm eating, I'm good. It was just a panic attack.'

'Draco,' the therapist sighed, 'it's never "just a panic attack", there are aspects surrounding it that need dealing with.'

'It's dealt with, Harry knew what to do. I'll be fine tonight because he'll always be there with me.'

'That puts a lot of pressure on Harry.'

'A moment ago, he was threatening not to go at all, but to stay up here with me. Tonight's ball is about him far more than me, he needs to be there, it's all part of the grand plan. It's bigger than me having a panic attack and going to a bloody party. I need to go, to be with him as much as I need him there with me. I can always leave early but I'm not staying here.'


'LUNA! GET IN HERE NOW!' Harry's shout reverberated down the corridor. He was pacing up and down in a pair of black, tight, leather jeans and nothing else, his room was a tip and the rest of his costume a crumpled heap on the floor. Edward Ferret sat in the middle of his bed, wide-eyed, watching him warily.

A gaggle of girls appeared at his bedroom door.

'NO! No, no, no, just Luna, I'm not having this circus. OUT! OK, you can stay, Hermione.' He slammed the door. 'What, in Godric's name, are you dressing me in, Luna. I can't make head-nor-tail of what I'm supposed to be wearing here. And where are my dress trousers, why have I got black leather trousers? Draco will kill me! I'm supposed to be in white!'

'Men are allowed to wear black trousers with their white dress robes, and the leather trousers are all part of the design, Harry,' said Luna, picking up the clothing off the floor and laying them out carefully on the bed. Hermione ran her wand over the clothes, removing the wrinkles.

'First the shirt.'

'It's satin!' he harrumphed.

'Actually, it's silk, Harry,' she replied placidly. 'Your costume is about texture and feel, as well as shape and angles. Harry Potter, you are one of the only men I know who could wear this, and Draco will be very proud.'

Harry harrumphed again but slipped the shirt on. Secretly, he was impressed about how it felt, it was sensuously light against his skin. It was slightly translucent, enough to see his chest tattoo against the material. 'Merlin's balls!' His nipple ring showed against the sheer fabric. He didn't want to admit he was pleased. 'OK, where's my tie.'

'There's no tie, Harry. But you need this belt.' She handed him a heavy black belt with a large silver buckle.

'Oh Merlin, he's going to kill me.'

'No he won't, Harry,' Hermione interjected. 'I rather doubt he'll do anything except stare at you longingly all night, especially in those trousers.'

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