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I just could not think of a better representation of the Leo. Only IL-Kul is much bigger. The size of a baby elephant.

Gasps fill around me.


By all good deeds, I just wish to shut whoever felt it alright to distort my nocturnal hibernation. But I rouse abruptly drenched in perspiration coming to the conclusion that I am my own bane.

A now familiar occurrence since the day of that noise.

Night terrors plague my every nocturnal.

The others would not stop talking about what or who it could have spawned from. That universe disturbing tremble.

The pesky thoughts and unclear dreams I could never decipher when awake started not long after as the strange behaviors of our Watchers. Candidates opined something big is coming.

Whatever it was drew Candidates into regular debates.

Whatever it is, for me, undoubtedly an embodiment of my fears.

Kaibarians exist esoteric, one with the old ways, most pure of hearts and as such, not nescient but this ephialtes, this nagging ineptitude I cannot fathom. It gnaws at my inner fiber this need to beware.



"Again. Again. Again"

"Wa--tche--r I-"


We had been at this for what feels like eons now.

Not meaning to, my body collapsed in filt. An equally muddy boot came a kiss breath from my nose. Just like its master, the boot regardless the grime commanded utmost respect.

"Recruit. Did I say you could have respite? Rise from there this instance".

Was it part of my imaginings that the footwear was uttering those words?

I almost could swear it suddenly possess lips and a tongue...?

Enough! I'd rather my next visit to mother with my senses uninpered.

My stubbornness was not worth losing my inhibition.




"I have been having nightfrights ever since that day. It haunts me and I am scared to nap when the nocturnal calls".


The boot twists around.

"When you are cleaned of your filt come back to me before the next shadowshift". It walks away afterwards.


Thank The One that my housemate was not here to see me in such a.... words surpass me.

Looking as what I imagined an enemy of my Watcher would have appeared after an encounter with.

Normal Watchers would try persuading their Recruits to confide in them and not take them through perdition. Regardless I have been disappointing lately.

More disappointing.

Cringing at my bathing shadow my inner self admits truth.

I came to understand his tactic after the sixty somethiet round of carrying animal dung from their different stalls to spread on the field for fertility. Wished though I had conceded before then but my stubbornness or attempt at it only earned me more troubles and he ended up besting me anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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