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Just a quick A/N before it starts: This story is set in the year 2027, and while in the show Amy is more than likely going to be at least a lieutenant by then, if not a captain, she is still a sergeant working at the nine-nine for purposes.

This work was also inspired by both the season 1 episode 1 ending and the entirety of season 1 episode 2 of Chicago P.D. :)

"Hey," Amy begins as she enters the briefing room, and she is audibly out of breath. Following her husband through into the room, she places her bag on the front table before turning to face the remainder of the squad standing in the room too, "What's this emergency briefing about?" She asks.

The room all shrug their shoulders as then, as if on cue, Holt and Terry enter the briefing room, Holt standing by the door and Terry standing at the podium at the front of the room.

Jeffords waits patiently as the detectives and Amy find their seats at the tables before explaining as the squad looks up to him.

"As some of you might know, the state is currently under amber alert as three minors have been reported abducted over the weekend." Terry explains slowly.

"Three?" Amy repeats, leaning forward in her seat.

Terry just nods in response, looking down to the folder he took in the room with him a few moments before.

Rosa takes her foot from the table. "Is there any information on the bastard that done this?"

Jeffords looks sadly into the squad before shaking his head. "No, no suspect information has been able to be obtained. The person doing this is a ghost. We've got two of the families coming in later to talk to us, the other one will be arriving tomorrow."

"Who are the kids?" Jake wonders.

Terry walks forward before dropping off files, one on each table. "The information is inside."

Child number one: Caelyn Duncan, seven-years-old, from Brooklyn New York. Very tall, olive skin, auburn hair, brown eyes.

Child number two: Alfie-Jay Burrow, six-years-old, from Queens New York. A little short, light skin, blonde hair, green eyes.

Child number three: Brittany Holder, six-years-old, from Brooklyn New York. Average height, bronze skin, brown hair, brown eyes.

Charles audibly sighs. "They're so young, they're probably terrified out of their minds."

Holt speaks up, walking forward from out of the shadow cast by the open briefing room door. "This is priority number one now, squad, understand?" He asks, gaining nods from every one in the room, "Dismissed." He says and everyone dissipates out of the briefing room and out toward their desks.

Jake stops Amy before she can leave the room. "You okay?"

Amy nods slowly before shaking her head. "They're Mac's age."

The detective glances to the floor briefly before looking back to his wife. "I know, it's scary when I think about that."

Amy folds her arms over her chest. "Their parents must be worried out of their minds, god knows I would be."

Jake leans forward and wraps his arms around his wife to comfort her, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of her forehead. "We'll catch the sick bastard doing this."


Terry comes into the bullpen, looking over to Rosa's desk. "Diaz, Santiago, Caelyn's mom is in interrogation room C, I want you two to talk to her."

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