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Alfie-Jay's mother stormed into the bullpen just after 1:30, demanding to be spoken to regarding her missing son. Charles and Amy look up from their work at his desk before nod, leading the blonde-haired, obviously very furious, woman back through to one of the interrogation rooms as they did with Isabella and Carlos the day before.

The moment they opened the door, the woman stormed in and slammed her fist down against the metal table, turning her heels to face the detective and sergeant. "When you catch the guy that did this I can take him off your hands, you won't have a thing to worry about." She says, her face explaining that she was completely serious.

Amy and Charles look to each other with a look of shock and startled at what the person in front of them had just said, but they quickly change the subject. Amy gestures toward the seat, speaking up herself too as she sat down opposite the mother. "Mrs Burrow-"

She sneers, cutting the sergeant off. "Miss Burrow. Alfie-Jay's father and I were never married."

Amy holds her hand up as an apology. "Miss Burrow, I'm so very sorry to know what happened to your son and I promise you we are working as hard as we can to try and find the person who did this, this case is our number one priority right now."

Miss Burrow smiles slightly, nodding her head. "Thank you."

Charles pipes in from the corner of the room. "Do you mind if we ask you some questions? They will just help us understand a little better and might give us a clue as to who we are looking for."

She nods again, leaning her back against the metal chair. "Ask away."

The detective joins the two women at the table, pulling out the same notepad he had been using since the beginning of the case yesterday. It didn't have a lot of notes in, just information from Carlos about his new girlfriends, Malikah's answers to the minimal amount of questions yesterday, as well as some information about Brittany and her older sister's rough relationship.

"What can you tell me about Alfie-Jay?" Charles starts with.

Miss Burrow looks out into the room and smiles to herself before being brought back to reality with her response. "He was always a cheeky kind of kid. He didn't misbehave, but he was silly, he had a loveable personality. Everyone loved Alfie-Jay."

Amy then speaks up for the second question, beating Charles to the point. "Is there anyone that Alfie-Jay told you about being a little overly friendly? Maybe another parent at school or someone who lived near you?"

She shook her head. "No, if there was I would have reported it straight away."

The officers remained seated and asked Miss Burrow the questions they had written down, scribbling her answers on another piece of paper. When they were done, they thanked her before standing up and leaving the room, both of them sighing under their breath as they walked back to the bullpen.

"Did you get anything from her?" Rosa questioned when they go back around the corner to the desks.

Charles throws the notepad down and shakes his head, Amy slumping down into the chair beside her husband's empty desk.

"No," Amy replied quietly, "No one suspicious around Alfie-Jay, everyone loved him, no one they knew would want to hurt him, she wouldn't let anyone who seemed risky near her son, etcetera, etcetera."

The bullpen goes silent for a moment. The holding cell seems to read the room, as all the people inside of it keep their voices to a minimum while the detectives all stare around the room slowly. The officers placed like figurines, dotted around the room in various places, all go mute before Jake's voice breaks the silence like the shattering of a mirror.

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