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Her long brown hair moving side to side as she walked down the corridor, her head was held high and people moved as she went by. Only nineteen and she was powerful enough to make people move at the sight of her, not what she had thought she'd be like, but it's something. She looked down for a moment before reaching for a door handle. Everything inside her told her to move, run away from the horrible door. She couldn't, she wouldn't. She had to be here, this is how she would get things done. This is why they would be okay, this is why they would be alive. As long as they were okay. She could deal with the broken bones and bruised ribs, she had a reason to.

Her hand turned the knob, opening the door. She hadn't expected to see a chair placed in the middle and a TV on the wall. The chair had dampeners places on the arms, where she would be strapped in. This wasn't the first time she had seen this chair, but it was the first time the room was ever like this.

A man was standing by the TV, she didn't know his name but she had seen him everyday since she's been here.

She sat down in the chair, the cuffs went around her wrists and she felt the power leave her body. The man moved to press a button on the TV and left through the door.

The TV was black for a moment, then people where on screen. Her family, her mother, father and sister, they were chained to the wall and covered in blood.

Her eyes watered, this wasn't meant to happen.

Then she saw him, saw what he was doing. She looked away and when she looked back, she screamed.

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