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Hi my name is Jade rose Thompson today is a day that can go suck an egg. My family and I are moving today so kinda sad . So today is my last day at my school that I love and I am no going out with out a fight.My mom yelled my name like six times be for coming up and trying to pull me out of my bed.Now there is no way she could possible pull me out by her self but with my brother I stood no chance at all!I put up a good fight but I was no match I ended up on the floor rubbing my bumb .

When I got out of the shower I got dressed and ran down to my fav room the kitchen!!I grabbed a peice of toast and stuffed it down,then said my good buys and left for school.

When I got to school all of my friends were there to say good buy I promised my self I would not cry but I did. Then the hardest part came I had to say good buy to Cameron (my boyfriend). I did not think I should waste my last day in class I should be with him so we skipped school that day. He took me to our place we stayed there my last six hours. Then I had to go when I got home my stuffed packed and left.

I fell asleep but when I woke up we were pulling into our new house it was to die for. I wasted no time on un packing leaving that to Brandon (my brother). I ran to look for the room that wanted and I found it wad I think the attic. It had one of window seat things and a walk in closet!! I am so freaking out right now when Brandon un packed all my stuff I went to sleep for school.

I awoke to the beeping of my alarm clock it was to early for that shit so I tossed it agents my closet. About an hour later I was pull out of bed by Brandon I was late for school.

Pic of Brandon at top

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