Chapter 2

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"Bzzz Bzzz"the phone rang
'Uhg,another day of school...'Kurutta mumbbeled
She sits up in her bed streching and yawning,she gets out,goes to the bathroom,takes a shower,brushes her teeth,puts her hair in a ponytail and puts on her school uniform and earings.
-Oi small savage breakfast is ready!her dad yelled
-Food!she said runing towards the table with waffles on it
-Here's your lunch,dearie~her mom said with a sweet tone
-Have a good day and try not to kill someone!her parents advised,her chuckling
-No promises!she responded
First period
The teacher wasn't in school so students were allowed to do anything.One of the bullies came up to Kurutta and said:
-Wow,you look so ugly!
-Wanted to look like you today,glad you noticed!she responded
The girl's  friends just stood there doing nothing
-What?Your kiss ass lackeys have nothing to say?
-At least she has friends unlike you!one of them chimed
-HA!I rather have real friends then some fake people who use me!
The first girl was rolling her eyes the whole time so Kurutta looked and her and commented:
-Keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there!
After that statement the bully cut in saying:
-You,me,lunchtime,in front of the school!
'Oh so the brat wants to fight?She's gonna regret it so bad!'
She agreed.
-I'm gonna mop the floor with you!she stated making Kurutta laugh
Kurutta was waiting for the brats to show up,but they were no where to be found,when all of the sudden she heard a laugh.
-So you actually came!the brat remarked
-Less talking,more fighting!the brown haired girl responded
The brat took a runnig start and with a quick left hook hit the girl's face.Kurutta put her hands in a fist and waited for the brat to make a move.When she tried to punch her again Kurutta took her by the arm and threw her over her sholder,when the brat got up she charged at her but Kurutta activeted her quirk.
Blinded by her pain she broke on of her arms.
-STOP IT YOU MONSTER!the teacher yelled
Kurutta snaped back into reality and left the brat alone.
The brat and her group of friends had satisfied looks on their faces making her even more pissed.
She packed up and started walking home.
'Stupid mothefuckin'brat she will pay for this'she whispered under her breath.
On her way home her phone rang.It was her mom.
-Hi mom!
-Hi honey,I have some news..
-Are you going on a mission again?
-For how long?A month,5 months?
-Five years....
-And we couldn't refuse or we would lost our jobs...
-What am I going to do?
-I'm sure you'll go just fine!
-But I don't want you guys to leave me...
-Neither do we,but we have to.
-Okay,just please be careful!
-We promise,sweetie.
-Bye.I love you!
-We love you too!
And with that the phone call ended.She started crying and thinking what she'll do when all of the sudden someone grabbed her wrist and started pulling her away.
-WHAT THE FUCK!?she shouted trying to break free
-Hush now,everything is going to be okay~an unfamiliar voice said
Then everything went black...

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