16 - Chain

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Before the concert actually started Jaehyun found his way to the rest of them and he stood next to Johnny. He and Taeyong were separated by Ten and Johnny. This of course was a relief to Taeyong.

As the warm up acts began, Lucas who stood left of Taeyong often belted out screams whenever they would interact with the audience, sometimes startling Taeyong.

Lucas turned to Taeyong telling him something which couldn't be heard over the audio.

"What???" Taeyong shouted facing Lucas.

He went closer to speak into Taeyongs ear "I said, I'm so hyped!! Sorry if I'm embarrassing you!"

"It's fine" taeyong smiled and shook his head.

Jaehyun saw Lucas leaning into Taeyongs ear and Taeyong smiled. He wondered what they were talking about.

By now the main acts were coming on.


Taeyong took his phone out and started recording the crowd and took pictures with Lucas and Ten to upload on instagram. They were bumping to Dean's performance and singing together.

Jaehyun and Johnny were also bobbing their heads and grooving to the music.

Dean was belting high notes and faced the direction of the boys for a while as he was moving about on the stage.

"Look Tae! He stared at me" ten squealed to taeyong, while jumping and covering his mouth.

Taeyong just rolled his eyes at his friend.

The crowd was reacting good and setting a nice vibe. They were waving their hands in the air and riding the beat of the song while singing along.

Throughout the performance Lucas and Taeyong kept chit chatting every now and then, each time catching the eye of Jaehyun who was starting to get annoyed and narrowed his eyes at the two.

"Careful not to burn holes into their skins, Jae" Johnny said, causing Jaehyun to realize he was staring at the two too long.

"I-I'm just looking" he responded while shifting his eyes back to the stage.

Johnny shook his head at his stubborn friend and continued to enjoy the music.

The tempo of the concert changed after Colde made his way unto the stage. He opened with a popular song which echoed. The crowd started swaying.

The music started to get slower and the friends all swayed to the melody. Taeyong closed his eyes taking in the lyrics, they all somehow fit his current situation.


"Dear, from now on, please
Love me a bit more,
look at me more
Embrace me one more time"

His emotions started rushing back to him and he started to suffocate. He told his friends he was going to the restroom, he needed to calm back down.

Taeyong squeezed through the crowd until he found the door to the restroom and he entered it hoping it wasn't full. To his luck it was completely empty.

As he wanted some privacy to sit down for a while he opened a stall. However as he walked into it, he felt a hand suddenly push him inside.

Taeyong quickly turned around to see Jaehyun in front of him, who locked and blocked the door of the restroom stall.

The younger boy had disappeared from the crowd right behind Taeyong. He figured now would be his chance to get the other alone and talk things through.

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