this is a book! I am going to explain everything about Stan, A.K.A Grunkle Stan. To avoid copyright, credit to gravity falls wiki for everything in this!
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Dipper is Stan's great-nephew. Stan does not often supervise Dipper as he is supposed to as the boy's summer caretaker, and is known to hand unpleasant duties to Dipper in particular, angering the boy and even leading him to question Stan's affection for him on occasion. Stan often takes delight in teasing him over his size and his nerdiness , which greatly annoys Dipper. Stan finds Dipper's intellectual interests boring and difficult to empathize with. However, Stan seems to have a soft spot for both of the twins, and is well-meaning in his treatment of his great-nephew []: Dipper reminds him of his younger self and how he was often preyed upon by bullies. Stan believes that making him do hard things will toughen him up and teach him to stand up for himself.
Stan is proud when Dipper stands up to others, including him, and has been shown to empathize deeply with his nephew's girl troubles, offering his help with them whenever possible. While he tends to become jealous when the boy finds others more fun or likable (particularly when the someone is Ford), he comes to understand that Dipper finds it easier to connect with Ford. After the incident with the Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons game, he decides not to stand in the way of Dipper bonding with Ford, understanding that Dipper needs someone with similar interests around.