relationship with Soos Ramirez.

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Soos is Stan's handyman

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Soos is Stan's handyman. Stan views Soos as a loyal employee, since he's been working at the Mystery Shack for many years, and he isn't above taking advantage of Soos' haplessness on occasion (like passing off Soos' ideas for his ). He is aware of Soos' unwavering admiration and trusts him to follow his orders to the letter, as evidenced by Stan tasking him to guard the vending machine while he was taken into custody. While he is sometimes exasperated by the young man's immaturity, Stan genuinely cares for his employee. He is aware of Soos' aversion for his birthday and confessed that he tried to have it removed from the calendar altogether, revealing the lengths he would go to in order to spare Soos' feelings. At the end of the series, Stan transfers ownership of the Mystery Shack over to Soos.

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