Can You Hear It?

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  • Dedicated to The Ones Who Can or Will Hear It


-A billboard on Santa Monica and Virgil

Try to hear, don't leave me hoping.

Please, don't try to quit.

Just answer this one simple thing,

Can you hear it?

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

Everything only heard by a few?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

So you can hear like I do too.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The universe that's all around?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

Just listen closer and it'll be found.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

Everything that's so far away?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

Or else I'm leaving and I won't stay.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The angels singing from up above?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

For they sing with nothing but love.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The war cries of men risking their lives?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

For nothing will make you feel more alive.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The cheers and shouts fighting for a cause?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

If you can't hear it, just take a pause.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The whisper in the ear that's a secret?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

For if you didn't, that means you can't keep it.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The tears falling down to the ground?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

For you should be able to hear that sound.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The shrilling cries of a newborn baby?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

You must be deaf to not hear it, just maybe.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The soft breathing, inhale and out?

No? Then listen better, listen clear

Don't try to make it scream it out loud.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

Your heart beating through your chest?

Well, you should hear it loud and clear

Just like the others, just like the rest.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

The voices that are all in my head?

I don't want any of them to appear

Make them stop, for I'd rather be dead.

Can you hear it? Can you hear?

Because I can, I can hear it all.

Don't tell me you can't, saying it's mere

Yes you can, you can hear the call.

I can hear it. I can hear.

All of these things and many more.

It's this unknown music that I fear

Heard from inside down to the core.

Tell me you hear it. Tell me you hear.

Just lie to me please, there's nothing to fear.

I just don't want to be the only one here,

Listening to this music played so loudly and so clear.

I got inspired to make this poem when I saw this graffiti message on the billboard that said: DID YOU HEAR? And I did, I heard it so loudly and so clear in my head, I had to write it all down to make it stop. In my honors English class, we're reading poems and rhyme scheme, so I was able to develop my rhyme scheme and ect to the poem. Also, I just finished watching Scarlett Johansen's Lucy, and got inspired to write a few words in the poem. This is dedicated to the ones who can hear what I heard, or will for now on try to stop and listen for once. Hope you all enjoy it, thanks for reading.

The one who heard it first,


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