Chapter 2

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The aftermath of the Cullens leaving weren't like they had expected. Charlie had expected Bella to feel better soon and hopefully eventually getting over the sorrow of the Cullens leaving, but boy had he been wrong. Bella had became a shell of herself, a ghost who barely ate, didn't speak and most of the times she was sitting in her room, staring at the photo of her with Edward, the photo Evangelina had taken of two of them at prom. Evangelina had tried her best to be there for Bella and to let her mourn in her own time, but the fact was that the Cullen family leaving had affected Bella more than any of them would thought. Of course Eva knew how much Bella had loved and still loved Edward and she hated Edward for it. She hated how he had just left, how he had just left Bella there in the woods alone. Bella had mostly kept to herself, but had spoken to Evangelina of the words Edward had spoken to her and how she wasn't good for him. That had fired something up in Evangelina and her hatred towards Edward was huge, like a bomb huge. He had just left Evangelina to pick up the pieces of her broken sister and for that and for hurting her sister, Evangelina hated Edward.

Evangelina had tried to cheer up Bella during these few months, but most of the times Bella had just kept quiet or had shut Evangelina out. It had affected their relationship as Evangelina felt like they weren't as close as they used to be anymore and it made her upset. This all had also affected their father Charlie who often woke up during nights alongside with Evangelina from the horrified screams that came from Bella's room. She had told Evangelina how she kept re-living the day when Edward had left her in her dreams and how it always made her yell in agony. Because of this, and simply for the fact Evangelina was worrying for her sister, she barely had been sleeping lately and even Jessica had stated that she looked like a zombie from the apocalypse. Speaking of the friends of her and Bella, after the Cullens left and how Bella sunk so deep into depression, she had isolated herself from them all and didn't speak to anyone at school, only to teachers when they asked her a question in class. She didn't even want to talk to Evangelina in school and mostly during the lunch break, she would sit in the table the Cullens used to sit at.

It was now December and Christmas was rather near. Usually Bella loved Christmas and loved to decorate the house for it and to go christmas shopping with Eve, but now everything had changed. When Evangelina had asked Bella to go Christmas shopping with her, Bella had just shook her head before continuing to stare out of the window of her room, the same thing she had been doing for months while sitting in that same spot. The Christmas had came and it all had been the same, with Bella depressed and not leaving her room.

It was now March and it had been months and this all was really taking it's tall on both Eva and Charlie and Charlie finally had snapped and had told her that he had had it "Alright. That's it" Charlie said when Bella came from school. The sisters both had their own cars and as Evangelina's car was bit newer and faster, she had gotten home bit earlier and because of that she heard what Charlie was saying to Bella. "What?" Bella asked Charlie. She really wanted to go in her room and send Alice new emails and stare into the abyss and to think of Edward, though thinking of him caused her pain, but the pain was a reminder for her that he was real, that they all were real.

"You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." Charlie said to Bella and Evangelina's eyes went wide as small gasp left from Bella' lips. "I'm not leaving Forks" She mumbled and shook her head. "Bells.." Charlie said and sighed, taking a step towards her "..He's not coming back" He continued and watched her. He hated Edward of all the pain he had put Bella through. But what he hated more was that how it all had affected Bella. She had been like a living corpse, in the verge of severy depression for months. "I know. I know he's not coming back" Bella mumbled and played with the hem of her shirt as Evangelina walked slowly over "It's just not normal, this behavior." Charlie said and shook his head "Quite frankly, it's scaring the hell outta me..and your mother." Charlie mumbled "And Evangelina. This all is not just affecting me, but her too" He whispered and frowned, glancing over to Eva who glanced down. "Baby, I... I don't want you to leave. I don't. But..just go. Go to Jacksonville, make some new friends..." He continued as Bella glanced up "I like my old friends." Bella said and Evangelina glanced over to her before glancing over to Charlie "Well, you never see them anymore." Evangelina muttered as Charlie nodded his head "What your sister said" he mumbled. "I do, yeah. I'm... ...gonna go shopping tomorrow, with Jessica." Bella finally said and Evangelina knew she was lying as Jessica had spoken about how she maybe was going to go movies with Angela. "You hate shopping" Charlie said as Bella's mouth opened "I.." She began to say before gulping "I need a girl's night out. Go shopping" Bella said and Evangelina shook her head as Charlie slightly grinned "Alright. Girl's night. Shopping. I like it. You should go" Charlie said and kissed her cheek before walking inside. Evangelina sighed and glanced over to Bella "You know you really need to do it right? Dad will do what he threatened" Evangelina mumbled. She didn't want her sister to go, but maybe it was best if she did? Maybe being in Forks brought too many memories for her? Memories of Edward and the rest of the Cullens. Of course Evangelina missed Alice, Emmett and Rosalie, but in a way she still was angry at them. Angry just not for leaving without saying a word, but also angry for the fact she finally had made good friends, friends she could share everything with and then they just vanished.

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