Chapter 4

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(Next chapter will be more Paul centered, meaning there will be scenes about Sam teaching Paul and more of Paul's thoughts. Sorry that this chapter is short. I will try to write more this week ! )

As she got into her room and glanced out of her window, she spotted a grey wolf there and frowned. She regornized that wolf being Paul and huge wave of confusion hit her. Why was Paul, the guy who hated her there in his wolf form?

It still confused Evangelina, greatly if she may add. Why was Paul there in the entrange of the woods in his wolf form and why was he watching into her room? She had no answer to any of those questions and in a way it weird her out how he, the man who hated her was there in his wolf form. Though either, Evangelina couldn't shake off the feeling that..that he had a reason for being there. Either way, whichever the reason was why he was there, she really didn't want to think about it as she wanted to take a long shower, maybe use the strawberry scented shampoo and the pineapple scented body scrub she often used. She shook her head and walked away from the window and into the small bathroom that she had. Bella as she didn't have her own bathroom and didn't want to use their dad's bathroom, often used Evangelina's bathroom, not that it bothered her as her bathroom smelled better than Charlie's did. As she got into the bathroom connected to the small shower area, she slowly stripped out of her clothes and tossed them into the laundry basket that stood in the corner of the room. Her shirt was dirty still of all the coke Jake had accidentally bursted on her face and she preferred clean clothes. She had picked herself these cute pajamas that had avocados on . She had gotten the pajamas as birthday present earlier that year from her mom Renee and she loved the pajamas as they were comfy, cute and the fabric was soft.

She stepped under the shower and turned the water tab on, sighing in relaxation when the hot water poured on her. With her one hand she picked up the strawberry scented shampoo from the shelf that Charlie had hung on the wall few years earlier when Evangelina had complained how she didn't have any room for her shampoos, body scrubs or conditioners. When she began to wash her hair and body, she hummed thoughtfully before stopping as her mind traveled back into Paul. Was he still there? In the entrance leading to the woods where Evangelina often went for her morning jog? If he was still there, why he was there in the first place? It all still confused the hell out of the girl, but in a way she had a feeling...a feeling that she wasn't sure what it was, but a feeling like it was all ment to be

"Great, i sound like Carlisle and Esme now" Evangelina muttered while turning off the water before picking herself a towel which she used to dry herself off. As she dried herself off and quickly brushed her long brown hair, she picked up her pajamas before pulling them on. As she was ready, she picked up one of the face creams she had gotten from Alice last year on her birthday, luckily for her Alice nor the Cullens hadn't thrown her any 'surprise' parties. She had a feeling she would have gotten a paper cut too and would have ended as the meal of Jasper. She shook her head in amusement, a faint chuckle leaving from her lips before she opened the small bottle of face cream and began to rub it on her face

"Are those avocados?" a person asked and small gasp escaped from Evangelina's lips as she had been too focused on putting a face cream on her face "Jesus Jake, you scared the crap out of me" She stated and shook her head before tossing one of the pillows she had on her bead towards him. She watched as Jake caught the pillow easily "And yes, they are avocados. These are my favorite pajamas" She announced and grinned at him before massaging her face once before closing the cab of the face cream bottle "Heading home?" She asked him and he nodded his head. Now that Jacob was there and considering he and Paul were both in the same pack, Evangelina figured she should ask him about why Paul was there, outside her window. After getting from the shower, she had peeked from the window and had seen that the grey wolf was still there.

"Can i ask you something?" Evangelina asked him while wiping her hands into a napkin she pulled from the box that was on her nightstand near her bed "Sure" Jacob said and nodded his head. "Well..okay. Paul is out there. In the entrance of the woods, and he is in his wolf form. So why the guy who hates my guts is there?" She asked him and Jacob opened his mouth, his eyes going wide, but before he could speak, Evangelina continued to speak "I mean, is it his new scheme to torment me?" She questioned, frown appearing on her features before her eyes went wide "Is he here to kill me? Like i go to bed and he sneaks in from the window like Edward did with Bella..and then he will smother me dead in my sleep..using my favorite pillow?" Evangelins said and picked up her favorite pillow, examining it.

Jacob wasn't sure how he should answer to her questions. He couldn't tell her the truth, not at all as it was Paul's job and Sam pretty much would end him if he would tell her about the imprinting. He was so happy it wasn't him in that situation as he didn't want to imprint on anyone nor was exactly waiting to tell his future imprint about the whole imprinting thing. Luckily for him, the whole imprinting thing was in the future as he didn't really believe in love at first sigh thingies.

"Uh..he's not here to kill you. It could be that it's Sam's Victoria?" Jacob stated and Evangelina eyed him, arching an eyebrow. She wasn't sure if she was believing him or not, but in a way it all made sense as Victoria, there was a change she would come for Bella. And knowing the redhair, there was a change she was going to harm Evangelina too, though of course Evangelina could use her special ability on her, maybe the telekinesis one and she could throw her into a tree. Or she could use the ability she had copied from Jasper and make the redhair all happy and lose her vindictive and volatile side.

"Okay good, cause i really do want to stay alive. For sometime anyway" She stated and shrugged her shoulders "Oh trust me, you will be alive" Jacob stated, chuckling softly "But i should go. Dad is waiting for me" Jacob added and ruffled her hairs "See you Evie" he said as Evangelina huffed at the feeling of him ruffling her hairs "See you Jakie" She said which made Jacob to chuckle slightly before walking out of her room and walking out of the house. As he ran into the entrance of the forest, he saw Evangelina turning the lights of her room off. He ran over to the wolf Paul who snarled at him. He could feel and sense that he was mad of the fact he had been in the room of his imprint, alone with her "Calm down. I was with Bella most of the time. I just went into her room to say goodbye" Jacob said and walked into the woods, knowing Paul would follow him there. As he got further, he saw Paul phasing back into his human form and eyed Jacob "Is she alright?" He asked Jacob who nodded his head "Yeah she's fine, just confused about why you are here though. You will need to tell her the truth soon, or at least get closer to her, maybe apologize cause she pretty much still thinks you hate her" Jacob stated and his words about Evangelina thinking he still hated her made Paul flinch "I will. Sam told me to be subtle and take it slow" Paul muttered which made Jacob to shake his head "Right now, you are not being very subtle. You need to be more..careful" he said to Paul who crossed his arms over on his chest, eyeing Jacob "I just want to make things right" Paul said.

"It will take some time" Jacob stated and his words made Paul smile a bit "I know. I have all the time in the world and i'm gonna make it right, no matter how long it takes. She's my imprint, i need to do right by her" Paul said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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