The bite (poem)

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Like a tiger circling its injured prey i walked around her in circles and said:

Who are the men that break your heart?

Who are the men who stole your heart?

Whose the man with it now?

And like a tiger i had her where i wanted her.

In my arms.

Smelling the aroma of her natural scent.

Licking her cheek and neck

'Cause she tasted like love

Except hers was not artificial.

And like count Dracula.

Before i made her my wife.

I whispered into her ear:

Whose is it?

And i stuck my fangs into her neck.

Feeling ecstasy.

Feeling love.

Feeling lust.

Feeling the sparks of hormones.

Feeling whole again.


What it's like to be inside a woman.

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