Chapter One: Lost Memories

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It didn't take me long to realize that the girl just standing feet in front of me was dead. The afternoon light made her already pale, blonde hair look almost transparent and lets just say that her skin wasn't exactly sun kissed. She could have easily passed for eighteen; except for the fact that her foggy eyes were wide with confusion and panic that made her slender face take on a more vulnerable look. I watched as she frantically tried to gain the attention of various teenagers who were dodging each other through the blue and gold halls ,trying to make it to their last class on time. At the sound of the bell the hallways were deserted and the girl gave a defeated sigh. 'Well now seems like as good a time as any'

I slowly made my way over to her in hopes of not to give her a heart attack, though I highly doubt that really mattered at this point. "Hey you, You can't stay here," I said shaking my head slightly.

Her head snapped up at the sound of my voice. Any confusion and fear left her eyes and was soon replaced with curiosity and suspicion. "You can see me?"

Now that I looked more closely, I could see a light gash on the left side of her face that seemed like it would hurt if her heart was still beating. Giving a slight nod I dare to take one more step towards the girl who's starting to resemble a lost dog looking for it's way home.

"Then why did everyone else pretend like I didn't exist? They looked right through me as if I wasn't even standing there!" 

"I'm kind of a special exception, I guess. How do I put this? Um they acted like your were invisible because well you kind of  are."

A bubble of laughter left her mouth ,which soon turned into a full blown fit, as I stared in shock. I've had spirits scream, yell, and even just stand there staring blankly at me; but never have I once seen one just start cracking up as if I had just said the funniest thing she's ever heard. Her laughter ceased as she straightened out from her bent over position and looked at me as if to say 'Did you hit your head?'

A pang of annoyance hit my stomach and worked it's way deeper into my consciousness, "Well more specifically, you're dead. About a day considering the size of your shadow." I said gesturing to the smoky black substance that surrounded her silhouette. 

Everyone who has died develops a shadow that grows as each day passes after their death. If the person fails to move on to the Death Realm in time or passed away with negative feelings in their heart, their shadow consumes them. Turning what was once a human soul into a demonic monster. I've never seen it happen, but I have seen the outcome of this transformation. A human- no a person's soul turning into this totally different creature that's only out for two things. Blood, and destruction.

"What? I'm not dead," the blond scoffed as if I had just told her that she was ugly "Look I woke up today and everyone was acting as if they couldn't see me. I don't know if it's just some kind of sick joke, but I'm ready for it to be over. So if you don't mind I'm going to find someone who's not totally insane to help me."

She gave me a smile that dripped sarcasm and turned to leave but before she could, I wrapped my hand around her wrist in an attempt to stop her. Suddenly my vision became white and the scenery changed. I could see the same girl laughing at something that someone must have said, her golden hair being blown back from her face. It wasn't a natural wind though, she was in the passenger seat of a car. The person next to her leaned into her as if to whisper something before a loud boom echoed through the air and the last thing I saw before everything went black was pieces of glass falling freely around her like tiny, serrated snowflakes.

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