Chapter Five: Sharp Points

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Nightshade: Kiss of Death

Chapter Five; Sharp Points

"Can I see it? It's been almost a century since I've had the honor of holding the Grim Reaper's scythe."

Mrs. Jones looked at me- well not exactly me- with eyes filled with unshed tears. Her hands were held out slightly in front of her with the open expression of one receiving a gift. I glanced down at Nox and nodded. I could trust her, even if she did lie to me. Slowly I held him out with my right hand. She quickly took hold of his grip and I jumped when a soft hum began to form from him. 

"What is it's name?"

"Nox," I smiled. She looked like someone who had seen a picture of an old friend. All smiles and radiating warmth. 

'It has been ages Ghrian. I am happy to see that you have been watching carefully over Vivian.'

Nox's voice took me by surprise as it floated through my mind with ease. As strange as it sounds, today's events aren't as crazy as I thought. Sure the whole 'You have a great destiny Grim Reaper' thing was a bit of a shock, but at least I know that I wasn't brought back just to be tortured by my past. The truth about Mads and Mrs. Jones weren't exactly surprising either considering their knowledge of Nightshades post-scythe appearance. The finding of Nox however, felt as though I had found the last missing puzzle of myself. Ever since I was younger I would look at the people around me and see the things that make their life unique. Mads was always athletic and extremely quick. It was obvious that he was made to play sports. The way his blue eyes light up on the field as though they were spot lights shinning through the dullness of everyday life. I on the other hand had yet to figure out what exactly I was made for. Nox's arrival in my life had somehow made my being here feel whole. Sure I'm not exactly filled in on why I was made the Grim Reaper, but I'm almost certain that I'll find out soon. 

Mrs. Jones handed Nox back gently as Mads came over and sat next to me on the bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Kind of like I've been hit by a truck, but other than that pretty great."

He smiled, "Well I'd think so, you were out for almost five hours. What took so long?"

 Did he just say five hours? I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket and clicked the power button, bringing the screen to life. It was almost eleven thirty at night. I squinted my eyes as the brightness illuminated the area of the shadowed room. I hadn't noticed it when I woke up, but the only source of light was candles placed on the ground in small clusters. 

Mads followed my gaze to the dancing flames of the candles closest to us and furrowed his brow, "While you were out there was a power outage. Xavier went outside to check the circuit box in the back alley."

As if saying his name had summoned him, Xavier flew through the door and slammed it shut behind him. "It's not just the shop. The whole town is out of power: Downtown, up North, even the rural areas in the higher mountains."

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