Chapter 4; Secrets Told

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"Hello Vivian."

His mouth turned up in a slight grin that- in other circumstances- would have been attractive. You know, if not for that fact that he knew my name and I had no freaking clue who he was. Mystery boy, that's what I'll call him for now, took another step forward. I raised the scythe and set my left foot back in a sort of battle stance. This only caused him to grin even more and take another step. Once again I followed in suit. It was like a dance that I was being forced to partake in. With every step that he took forward, I took one back. That is until I found myself only a couple of feet from the hospital wall. 

"Stay back!" I swung the scythe in a sideways motion like a camper would do if fending off a bear with a burning stick. Except he was more wolf-like in a sense. With his burning jade eyes and slightly crooked grin. He watched me like a predator watching its pray try to fight back. Only his gaze was less animalistic and held more human amusement than anything. Still, he followed my command and stayed where he was.

"Alright I'll talk from here, but uh, would you mind putting that away? You could seriously hurt someone. And by someone I mean me."

His grin turned into an actual smile that lit up with the moonlight. His voice was deep, but not an unnatural deep- and smooth. I would imagine that if the nighttime could talk it would sound like him. Now that I could see him at a closer proximity, I decided that nighttime is exactly what he resemble. Hair dark as midnight. Eyes that flickered like green stars- wide and filled with curiosity and amusement. Pale skin that was almost as white as the light that the moon gave off above. There was also something that I hadn't noticed while he was still partially hidden in the forests' shadows. Something that blended in with the top of his midnight hair and dark attire, but became more noticeable along his neck and jaw. Something that was too familiar to me that I'd get wrong. Lazily floating around him in a hazy wave was a shadow. Except it wasn't pitch black like a spirits would be, it was slightly faded like mine. He was a Nightshade.

He must have seen my eyes widen slightly at my realization because he glanced back at it quickly and lifted his arm as if reaching out to me. Instead his shadow slowly wrapped down his arm all the way to his open palm, like mine had only hours ago. 

"Yup, I'm just like you. So do you think that you could put that thing away now? I swear on my everlasting soul I will not hurt you."

There was something in his voice what made me relax a little and think 'I would put it away if I actually knew how to'. Then almost by the magic of my thoughts the blade of the scythe started to shrink back into the staff part which also started to shrink until the light disappeared from my clenched hands. 

The boy smiled and let out a sigh of relief, "I'm not gonna lie. I really thought that you were going to slice me up with that."

"I would have if you kept coming closer to me," I said, "So are you going to tell me who you are and how you know my name or am I going to have to cut it out of you."

His relief was short lived as he took in my words. His face became serious and he straightened his back as he spoke, "My name is Xavier Hunt. I was assigned to watch you until my services were needed. Well okay, obviously not needed considering the fact that you took out that Anguis demon all on your own."

Assigned to me? He was assigned to watch me. I couldn't keep my eyes from reducing into slits as I glared at him. "You were the one who kept on watching me like a creepy stalker from the shadows of whatever the hell you could find! Do you realize how insane you sound? I should be calling the police to tell them how much of a potential molester you could be. And assigned? Are you seriously telling me that someone put you up to this? Not to mention the fact that you actually listened to them! What the hell is wrong with you? I mean come on, what kind of guy does that willingly!"

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