Chapter 1

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I'm giving you 2 "new" weapons. It's really just a can of BONK! Atomic Punch and the Sandman

I drank from my bonk soda can.

I was waiting outside a bar, well in an alley next to it, waiting for someone to show up.

They wanted me here. We know who it is, but the guys want me to steady humor them before we head off to Beacon.

I heard footsteps before I heard a voice.

Cinder: it's nice you showed up, Decoy

I just looked at her.

Y/n: what do you want Cinder

He wrapped her arms around me.

Cinder: can a girl not ask for help?

Y/n: when we refuse to work along side of Salem, yes actually

Cinder: and why won't you help me?

Y/n: because you work for Salem

I then got out of her grasp.

Y/n: is that all you had needed?

Cinder: no

Y/n: well I'm leave anyways

Cinder: but-

Y/n: when I saw something, I mean it

I then ran, running back to base.

Tomorrow we go to Beacon.

And tomorrow is when hell starts.

Time skip

Scout: Go long!

He threw the ball, and I ran past a bunch of people, jumping up and catching it.

We were on the ship to Beacon.

But that doesn't stop us from playing catch.

I took out my Sandman.

I threw the ball into the air, getting into a hitting position.

Y/n; batter up!

I hit the ball towards Scout.

He tried to catch it but ended up getting hit right in the head, falling to the ground.

Scout: unfair!

I ran back to him, helping him up.

Y/n: who cares

???: aren't you scared of hitting someone?

I turned around.

Y/n: why do you ca-

I froze.

In front of me was Ruby and Yang.

Scout: yo Decoy, you ok?

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in.

Y/n: yeah man, fine. It's just-

I pointed at them, making a clicking sound with my tongue.

I had told the others years ago about my past family.

So as soon as I did it, Scout understood.

Yang: what were you saying?

Scout; nothing, not important sweetheart. We gotta get going though. Come on Decoy

I nodded.

We then walked away from the 2 of them, back to the others.

Scout; didn't know they would be here

Y/n: me neither

Medic: vho vhould be here?

Y/n: my "family"

I heard Soldier growl.

Soldier: if I dare see them maggots, they will get an ass whooping!

Demopan; Aye. You can't be called family if ye don't care the slightest for them. They aren't your family anymore Decoy

I nodded.

Time skip


Y/n: it's going far!

Scout: I got it!

I saw him run of like a blur towards where the ball was flying.

As it neared the ground, he dived for it.

He then held it up.

Y/n: nice one!

Heavy: is Decoy no longer worried about old family?

I shrugged.

Y/n: now that I know they're here, I plan on trying to keep my name a secret

He nodded.

Heavy: good

I put my sandman back on my bag, before chasing after Scout, mainly to get my ball back.

As I did, I ran into someone, sending both of us to the ground.

I felt myself hit something a dm I saw a bunch of cases fall to the ground.

I shook my head before getting up.

I offered a hand to the person.

Y/n: sorry about th-

She smacked my hand away, getting up.

???: do you know what you're doing?! Do you know the damage you could have caused?!

Y/n: shut it

???: what do you mean shut it!?

Y/n: I mean shut it! I tried being nice, tried helping you up, but you start yelling at me. Who the hell even are you?!

I picked up on of the cases I knocked over and she swiped it away.

???: this is dust. Mined and purified from the Schnee Query

I looked at her before snapping my fingers.

Y/n: you mean the same company that sent Atlas soldiers with Gray Mann's robots, to try and take all the dust from Mann Co.?

???: what?

Y/n: you heard me! The company you got that dust from tried to kill my friends and I for doing our jobs or fighting over the dust!

She looked at me confused.

I sighed.

Y/n: figures. Someone like you wouldn't get it

???: what do you mean someone like me?!

I took my sandman and hit her over the head.

Y/n: it seems you've had a silver spoon shoved down your throat your entire life, while we had to work for our money!

???: so you're insulting the Schnee family?!?

I started laughing.

Y/n: so you're a Schnee?

I got closer to her, getting right up in her face.

Y/n: we don't particularly enjoy Schnees. Not White fang levels of hate but just enough to want to beat the crap out of all ya

I moved away.

She was scared, her face even paler than it was originally.

I then ran off, after Scout still.

A Schnee and my old "family". Great. Just fucking great.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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