Mission Key

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Erica's pov

We need to go dariush yelled at us. What why what happened I asked. Gabriel and I got up and got to our bike. Alex did something stupid. What I asked. No he didn't ZhenZhen protested.

Let's just go Alex told us. We where riding in the city for a while now and suddenly we saw these big ass tanks. We dropped our bikes and started running.

Hey we all yell. Then suddenly I hear a familliar voice There kids it said. I put my arms back down. Jake I yell. A guy came running to us. He hugged me tight. Erica your alive jake said. We broke up from the hug. Where is selene I asked. Gabriel walked closer to me and Jake. Jake didn't really see.

She ehm he started. Wait no I started to walk further backwards. My hand started shaking. I'm sorry he said trying to touch my arm. No no I said I stumbled backwards into Gabriels arms. I can't do this I said as I cried my eyes out.

Hey look at me Gabriel said. He grabbed my face with his soft yet bruised hands. Stay with me he asked. I couldn't answer yet. He then kissed me. It was like he brought me back to reality. Always I say as he helped me stand.

Jake wait I yelled once I saw him walking away. Alex the key I yell. I took the key from Alex and handed it to Jake. You need to take this key to Pasadena JPL to a doctor Feelding. We've been getting Morse code from a doctor Feelding all day.

This was our first objective. Thanks kids ya'll just saved the world he said. We walked to the schoolvan where lots of people were gathered. We did it they all yelled. I couldn't be happy. I know we saved the world and all but my sister is dead and I don't even know how it happened.

Gabriel pulled me onto his lap. Hey Principessa how bout we start talking about the lessons Italian he spoke. I turned myself to face him. He then knew that i was about to have a mental breakdown.

Hey he simply said. Then the tears started falling. I'm so sorry you need to see me like this I say to him. Don't you dare say that Erica he said in a serious way.

You just lost your sister it's okey to cry. Damm I love you I whispered I kinda hoped he didn't hear but he did.
I could feel him smiling. I love you to.
I then fell asleep on his lap.

I woke up from a loud bang. You okey Gabriel asked. Yeah I'm good. Then a car flew on top of the van and we got trapped. Shit we both yelled. Ehm this way I walked to a big window.

Throw this I say to Gabriel. Sorry can't throw with a shaking arm. He then threw it and the Glas broke. We hurried out and med up with the others are you guys okey I ask them. Yeah you ZhenZhen asked.

I'm good. The key Alex said. Jake was laying dead on the ground. Alex spoke with him before he died dariush said.
What did he say I asked him. That no matter what happens we get that key to doctor Feelding. And something about telling your boyfriend to use protection or something.

Alex ZhenZhen yelled. I smiled he always thought if he'd die he'd die in a Warr. but yett here we are and I don't know what's worse being alive while aliens hunt us or death I thought. Let's just go I say and we walked back to our bikes.


We need to get supplies I say to the others. Erica's right ZhenZhen said. We need to get food water and maybe even some sleep.

Are you okey Gabe I ask Gabriel who was about to cry. This is my street he said. Great can we crash at your place Alex said. I slapped the back of his head saying Alex don't.

I haven't really been honest with you guys. The reason I was in the mountains was because I was in juvie so even if my mother is alive I don't think she would see me.

I grabbed his hand. Thanks for sharing that with us ZhenZhen said calm. But yeah we can go there. It's this way. We walked into the house and it looked worse than my cabin.

Everything was out of place. Damm we need to get my man jacobie in here. Ugh I swear when will be my turn to soccer punch him I say as serious as I can be. You're time will come Gabriel said smiling again. I then kissed his cheek.


So I might have made a little hunger games reference.

Anyway I hope you like my story
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