Let's Be Badass

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Erica's pov

Let's be badass I yell as we where getting close to JPL. You already were Gabriel said almost whispering in my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

Damm I think those aliens had one hell of a lit party I say as I looked at the mostly destroyed building of JPL. What is it with you and alien party's man Dariush said while walking forward.

I have no idea I answered as I ran into the building. If we get out of this alive NASA is going to pay for my therapy dariush yelled. Doctor fielding we yell a couple of times but there was no answer.

I ran In a different direction and found someone in a chair. Fucking hell I yell once I saw all the blood dripping from de guys body.

I jumped backwards and fell to the floor. You okey Gabriel said entering the room. Yeah I'm good. What's up did you find him Alex said walking in not seeing the dead body.

Holy cow he said once he saw. Then Zhen Zhen came in and dariush. But how did we get the Morse code from him I ask Alex. Then a drop of blood hit the little machine and the Morse code came in.

That explains a lot I say pointing at it.
Guess that's it for saving the world I said while a tear escaped my eye. The boys  went away and ZhenZhen sat on the floor. Gabriel didn't leave and now stood next to me.

Together till the very end huh I say holding his hand and sitting down. Yeah together he said and kissed me on the lips.

The others came back and sat down with us. Dariush found some wine and looked at the date. Awh Mann this wine is at least fifty years expired.

He threw it away and suddenly a monitor had gone on. This is crystal palace do you copy a male voice echoes through the air.

What the I say as we walk to some desk thingy. Hello we're here Alex yelled through a microphone.

Citadel identify yourself the guy now on the monitor says. What is your name ma'am. I chucked at that which made Gabriel poke me in the side to stop.

I'm Alex he said calmly. How old are you the guy asked. I'm thirdteen Alex answered. Really I thought by myself I thought he was fifteen. If you don't mind me asking who are we talking to Alex asked the man.

I'm general. I really didn't listen to the rest he was saying i didn't really care to be fair. There is nothing you can do the general said bringing me back to reality.

Oh fuck no I said as I pushed Alex aside. You listen up mister general I say grabbing the mic from Alex. We didn't just risk our life and be chased by aliens just so you can say we can't do anything because we're kids.

Cause the moment those aliens set foot on our planet was the moment we stopped being kids. So stop telling us what we can and can't do. we didn't have adults to help us. Hell I lost my sister and her boyfriend a couple of days ago and I'm still here.

I'm here because I'm with the best group of people in the whole world. We might of been chased or hurt by something but yet we are here and we're together. On the edge I say as I slam my fist on the desk.

So now tell me how we destroy those mother duckers. Ehm alright he said as he continues to tell us how we need to launch exelabur. I'll do it ZhenZhen said. Hey be careful okey I say as I gave her a hug. Then she left.

I'll go Gabriel said proud. No no your not I say as I grab his collar you are the only one who keeps dariush alive remember. She's right Alex said as he walked to us. I'll go he said. What Alex no your afraid of heights remember.

If you're doing this to impress ZhenZhen it's not worth it dude she already likes you I yell. Erica it's okey. No no it's not I'll go that way ya'll be save I say looking at a passed out dariush.

You sure Gabriel said grabbing my shoulder. I... I love you I said as I kissed him goodbye. I love you to.


Alright Erica you can do this I say to myself. I climb up this pole thing and see the satellite. I climed up and suddenly I heard a voice. Erica behind you watch out it said.

I looked down to see the alien from before. Mother fucking alien I said as I climbed faster. I was at the satellite and kicked it in position.

Yess I say as I heard a hell yeah she did it from the mic. Shit it's close I yell in my thoughts. I climbed up and saw a zip line like thing. I jumped off it while sliding down the line.

I dropped and fell hard on the ground. I hit something sharp. I ran back inside and saw Gabriel trying to turn the keys. I'll help I say as I run to him. You okey he asked me. Yeah I'm good just a little scratch. It was more than just a scratch but I didn't want him to worry.

He gave me the key and I walked to the place where it belonged. Alright on three he said. One.... Two.... Three. We both turned the key and launched Excalibur.

I then felt really dizzy. Gabe I say as my eyesight was taken away from me. Erica he says as he runs to me.


I wake up in a very light room. I couldn't move nor could I breathe. I saw this tube thing coming out of my mouth. I tried to look around the room.

It had a table with flowers on them and on the other side of my bed there was a chair with someone In it. Erica the boy in the chair said.

Doc she's awake he said he looked so happy. Hey hey Erica you're going to be fine he held my hand as a doctor came in. They removed the tube since I was able to breathe on my own.

Gabe I managed to get out of my mouth. He smiled and said yeah its me thank God your alive. You really scared the shit out of me. I smiled a bit. You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily did you I say smirking.

I coughed a little since speaking kinda hurts. Here drink this he said handing me a glass of water. I nodded and sipped the drink.

Gabriel came laying next to me in my bed. I put my head on his chest. I love you so much he said. I know I love me to I say trying not to laugh. He laughs and kisses me on the cheek.

Alright Principessa you should try to sleep. Yeah. Yeah he repeated.


Alright that's the end of this story ❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry if the ending sucked but I thought the idea would be cute so yeah😅😅😅

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