The bouquet of red carnations drop from my hand onto the the beautiful white marble floor of the church and all the petals fade away by the slow blow of wind along with my hope of a life full of love and happiness..
My mind is in complete haze, just like my surroundings. Then I see the look in the eyes of people around me.. they look at me with pity in them! NO it can't be happening to me!
My soon to be husband left me right before our marriage on the altar, alone and devastated!
The man who ought to spend the eternity along my side. Who promised me under the dark sky full of bright stars that he would never leave me alone and that he'd walk with me through thick and thins, who showed me the world from the heavens and just when I believed in a place called heaven, he pushed me down right from there in the abyss of hell!My head suddenly felt heavy, all my surroundings became hazy and everything turned blank..
I let myself get swallowed by the demons of hell.. I accept my fate!
I open my heavy eyelids everything around me is dark, I tried to adjust my vision but everything remained same.. Completely dark!
Looks like I'm in actual hell that means I'm dead? Somehow weirdly the feeling of being dead soothes my mind and gave peace to my heart.
I feel relieved.. that I am no longer bond to the humanly feeling of heartbreak and I won't feel pain anymore that I am free!
But m-my heart.. it still aches... just a single thought of what happened pains me to death! How is it possible?!
Me: I AM ALREADY DEAD!!!??: No, thankfully you're alive.
I jerk my head towards the source of voice but nobody catches my eye. ALL DARK!
Me: W-Who is it? The devil of hell?!I hear a beautiful gentle laughter on my comment.
?? : what makes you think I'm a devil of hell?
Oh god what is happening to me? Am I dead or not? And who is this??? : here, lemme help you sit up.
An unknown hand touches my back and I shriek loudly and cover to the corner if there is any.Then suddenly everything in the place lightens up and I see a handsome man standing infront of me with a very worried expression.
?? : Miss are you okay? I am sorry. I was just trying to help. I thought you might be tired and uncomfortable lying in the bed for three days.Whatttt??? Did he just said THREE DAYS?
Horrified amd confused I asked him without wasting a second!
Me: what do you mean???: Miss, you were brought to the hospital 3 days ago in state of unconsciousness.
And I am Herry your attendant. I've been supervised to look over your condition.With all the new information I was getting one thing became clear to me, I'm not dead!
I feel the sharp pain of needles in my hand and the continuous beeping of a machine beside my bed.. looks like I'm actually in a hospital.All the color drain from my eyes as I realise that I am alive. NO I-I had to be dead!! After everything that happened with me I should've died!!
Panic starts to take control over me, my body started shaking wildly and the sweat bead drops down my forehead one after another.
Me : NO! N-NO! Why? Just why?
String of Fates💫
General FictionTHE UNIVERSE IS NOT MADE OF ATOMS. IT'S MADE OF STORIES!! WE ALL ARE STORIES! This book is about Short stories of hope.. touching, heartwarming, overwhelming, relatable stories of life that encourages to move forward and not give up because If you...