The Passage of Crows, Chapter 3 - Eloise

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In the heart of the Red Rose Desert, northeast of Hedgemont sat the Kori-Ori Oasis. It was a sacred place with a large temple dedicated to the goddess Morelei, avatar of unions, love, and marriage. Tall slender trees grew there with yellow and orange blossoms. When the wind blew, their fragrant petals rained upon the ground. Eloise danced beneath them in a Crimson gown dotted with a pattern of tiny dark knives. Others performed around her with graceful precision. They all practiced equally, and yet only she was having trouble remembering the steps. What day was it? She couldn't remember. Her sister was getting married.

She found Deiadara in the ladies' forum with a team of doting maidens surrounding her. Some braided her hair, others applied make-up. Her lips were painted white, her hands were speckled with turquoise ink. She wore a horned crown and a veil of tiny silver chains.

"Deiadara!" She called to her, but her sister did not acknowledge her.

Eloise fought against the swarm of maidens, coursing against her like a stream. When she finally reached her sister, she grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to see her face. Deiadara looked too young; exactly the same age as when Eloise left Hedgemont. Her eyes were vacant, sunset reflecting within them.

"Deiadara!" Eloise repeated, "please speak to me, sister."

The bride shook her head and stroked her throat.

"What's the matter, sister? Can you not speak?"

Deiadara raised her head and opened her mouth. A black bird flew from her parted lips and fluttered off into the sky.

"That's not your home anymore," said a voice.

Eloise turned to find herself in a bathhouse. Sir Laurie was in a warm pool beneath her. He was naked. She was standing in a wool robe.

"You're wrong," she said to him. "Hedgemont will always be my home."

"Sometimes, you have to rebuild," said Sir Laurie. "Home is where your family is. Who is your family, Eloise? Why would they send you away for so long if they loved you?"

"I don't know," Eloise answered quietly.

"What if I loved you?" asked Sir Laurie. He moved to the edge of the pool and stared up at her. Water droplets fell from his hair.

"We've only just met," said Eloise.

"What if we got to know each other better?"

Sir Laurie put his hands on the wet marble and pulled himself out of the water. His arms were strong and toned, befitting his knights' training. Eloise's heart was racing. He was absolutely breathtaking. His eyes were gazing into hers. She reached out to touch his chest. There was a rapping at the door.

Eloise opened her eyes. Her heart was still racing. She couldn't remember the last time she had a sexy dream. She blushed remembering dream Sir Laurie's naked body. Her mind had completely made it up. She wondered how accurate her imagination was. The knocking at her door persisted.

"Coming," she grumbled.

She rolled out of bed and lumbered to the door. How early was it? Had the rooster even crowed?

"Who is it?" She called through the thick wooden door.

"A friend, well hopefully you still consider me as such."

Her eyes widened. She knew that voice. Eloise immediately opened the door to find Oran on the other side.

"Hi," he said balancing two plates of breakfast in his hands. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I just-"

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