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(Izuku's POV)

today is the day, the day I will travel to Europe for three months. I was really excited, but sad at the same time. I don't want to leave kacchan. I will miss him too much. all my stuff was packed. I was finished with showering, kacchan said he would make breakfast. I could see that kacchan was sad too. 

we ate in silence. kacchan really didn't seem happy about me leaving. I wasn't happy either but it will only be for 12 weeks. I slowly started touching kacchan's hand. he looked up at me, he smiled, but not a happy smile it was more like is this the last episode of the best anime series or something like that. 

Izuku: "hey kacchan it's only three months, I will be back before you can say: raspberry juice." kacchan chuckled. he was really cute when he laughs. it made my heart melt. 

kacchan: "I know, I know. it's just that it's still a very long time. I will be so lonely without you." 

Izuku: "I feel the same kacchan I will miss you so much." 

kacchan grabbed my hand and took it up to his lips and kissed my hand. it made me blush.

Izuku: "a-are you doing this on purpose kacchan?"

kacchan: "what do you mean, cutie pie?"

IzukU: "that, you will be really sweet to me, so that I can't leave." 

kacchan: "did it work?"

I gave him a 'nice try' smile. 

I stood up and went behind kacchan's chair and kissed his cheek and my hands were laying on his chest. 

kacchan: "mmh I take that as a try again." I giggled at kacchan's silliness. 

Izuku: "you know I love you right?" he started stroking my hands and kissing my cheek. 

kacchan: "I know babe, I love you too." we still had like three hours before I had to be at the airport. so I and kacchan could spend time before I had to leave. I helped kacchan with the dishes. when I was done kacchan went to take a shower. I was bored. so I did what every rational person would do when they're bored. I took on music and started dancing. 

I loved to dance. so I took on a song I loved and danced to it. it's one of the dances I was gonna perform in the tour. then without releasing it, kacchan was standing there with just sweat pants on and his sexy six-pack showing. I walked up to him and took his hand. 

Izuku: "come on kacchan dance with me." he just chuckle and walked with me. I changed the song to a song that kacchan knows. he sang with and danced with me. hand in hand we danced until the song was over. I had so much fun. one of the best thing in the whole world is when I can dance with kacchan. it's the best feeling. then when the song was over a slow song came on. kacchan took out his hand signalling for one last dance.

 I smiled and took his hand with pleasure. his hand on my waist and my hands around his neck. we just stood there going in a circle hand in hand. all I could think of was kacchan handsome crimson red eyes. that looked at me. our nose touched. then seconds after our lips touched too. I looked at kacchan again. I started hugging him while dancing. I just love him too much, It breaks me that I have to leave. I know, I know it's only for one-month Izuku, man up. but I love him too much. what do you expect from me? 

when the song stopped kacchan and me, we just stood there. hugging like there is no tomorrow. I looked at the clock and saw that I had to get ready to leave. I let go and said:
"kacchan I have to get ready." he nodded. 

kacchan: "I will drive you to the airport" 

Izuku: "thank you kacchan."

I took on my shoes and kacchan took on some pants and a sweater. he took on a caps, while I took on some sunglasses. we walked out and locked the door. we walked to kacchan's car. kacchan locked up the door. we both sit down in the car. and kacchan started the car. I kacchan held my hand while driving. he looked at the road but I saw his smile. and that made me smile too. 

after like half an hour we arrived. 

kacchan insisted to walk me in. I didn't complain. he helped me carry my bag.  we got to the control, here was where we had to separate. I turned around and looked at kacchan. I hugged him, he hugged back. he squshed hard. but I didn't mind. cause I didn't want to let go either. we stayed like that for a while. while my face was buried in his chest I said: 

"I'm gonna miss you so much kacchan."

kacchan: "I'm gonna miss you too deku. I love you." 

Izuku: "I love you too kacchan." we gradually let go, and looked at each other, I leaned in and kissed him on the lips and said goodbye one more time. before started heading to the control. 

I started walking away. when I was right outside the control I looked back at kacchan. and waved goodbye. he did the same. I started walking off. I then felt someone ringing. I looked at my phone and saw that it was uraraka. 

Izuku: "hey, uraraka what's up?"

uraraka: "hey where are you?"

Izuku: "I'm at the airport."

uraraka: "good, ok so me and shinsou are in the flight."

Izuku: "ok, I'm coming now."

uraraka: "ok, bye."

Izuku: "bye." I hang up the phone and started walking to the flight. 

I went inside and saw shinso and uraraka talking. I took a seat beside them. uraraka told us that she was so excited to travel to Europe while shins said that he was tierd and wanted to watch cat-videos on his phone. the flight would take some hours so we had time to relax. I looked out the window and saw that we were starting to move. all I could think off was kacchan. we haven't been apart for long but I already miss him. 

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