Goodbye (Peter Pan and Wendy Darling)

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  • Dedicated to All the Peter and Wendy loversxx

A/N: To be honest. Peter Pan is like my favorite movie ever and it was actually pretty sad. There wasn't necessarily a happy ending. Especially in the 2003 version of it. At least I didn't get my happy ending because I ship Peter and Wendy (to the second start to the right and straight on till morning) This is kinda sad i guess. At least that's what I was going for... Anyways this is a oneshot so vuala PS: I don't own any rights to Peter Pan or any of the characters/quotes used in this ff. That all belongs to the author of the lovely book and the movie creators and stuff, but as much as i wish I owned the rights I DO NOT.

Peter Pan still did not understand why Wendy Darling was so insistent on growing up. She told him that there were joys that could only be had as an adult. The life she spoke of intrigued all the other lost boys, but not Peter. Peter would never grow up. Neverland was his home.

He, being the good little boy that he was, flew Wendy and anyone else who wanted to leave back to the real world. He wanted them all to stay, but he needed her to say.

"Goodbye Peter," Wendy told the boy before crawling back into the window that lead to her room.

"No," Peter said catching her arm.

"What is it, Peter?" Wendy asked the boy in green confused.

"Don't you ever say goodbye, because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting," he told her with thick emotion hidden in his voice.

"Oh, Peter. I hope you know I won't ever forget you," she told him with honesty in her voice.

"Promise you'll come visit," she asked hopefully.

"Of course I will, but only when you're telling stories about me."

She grinned and she watched him fly away. He stayed true to his word and flew back from Neverland all the time whenever she'd tell stories of him (which was quite often) and for a whole year everything was great, but Wendy was growing up. She didn't have time for Peter Pan or the life she used to believe in as a child.

Wendy no longer eagerly waited for Peter Pan in the nursery with a new story. She never opened the window anymore, but Peter still came. He came every night hoping that she would be there. He refused to believe that she forgot about him. He refused to allow himself to be betrayed by another person he cared about. He refused to believe she had truly said goodbye.

After a whole year of nothing he made one final trip to the Darling house. His eyes were shimmering with hope as he flew through the puffy white clouds. The hope quickly vanished when he saw that the window was yet again closed.

Wendy, the Wendy that he grew to love, had said goodbye. He thought back to the sword fights that they had and all the fun things they ever did. He remembered thinking about leaving Neverland for her.

He leaned helplessly against the window that never seemed to open.

"Wendy, I know you're not there, but I'm going to pretend you are. I'm going to pretend that you're still telling stories of great adventures and love. Because that's what kids do. We pretend. I'm going to imagine that you're still the little girl that sewed my shadow on and taught me something more important than I could ever have taught you. You taught me how to love again. In my mind you're still the girl that had so much faith and trust. I don't like to think that you've changed. In some ways I'm glad that I haven't seen you again. You'll always have a special place in my heart as the little girl that believed in me so strongly. That's what drew me to you, you know girl? Your belief and your imagination. Your stories were the greatest adventures ever. I know you don't believe in me anymore, and that's all apart of growing up. You forget the things you believed in as a child. My biggest regret is not going with you, but my biggest fear has always been growing up. Or at least it was, because now I know my biggest fear is loosing you, which I've already done. I'm ashamed to not have said this when I knew you could hear, but I love you. Don't worry I won't come back again after tonight. I guess what I'm tring to say Wendy Darling, is that even though I love you, I have to say goodbye."

He took off like a jet unaware of the girl on the other side of the window with tears streaming down her face. She wanted nothing more than to stop him and tell him to come back. That she did still believe in him, but she couldn't.

Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.

He wasn't ever going to come back, and she knew that all ties were lost with him.

"I love you too Peter Pan. Goodbye," her voice cracked as she looked out the window and saw nothing but emptiness.

So they lived their lives and their paths never crossed again. The only thing left to remind them of each other was the ugly scar on their heart that still ached at night, and perhaps always would.

It would hurt the most in the place between sleep and awake. The place where you still remember dreaming, because that was where their love lived strongest and where she hoped he was waiting by the window for her, but he wasn't. That was where the scars were picked into and torn apart again. Not just for her, but for him too.

A/N: So yeah that wasn't too sad. I just really wanted to right a peter pan and wendy ff even if I still didn't get my happy ending. :)

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