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My name is Emily Abher. I live in Billings, Montana. It is the year 2048 and I am 15 years old. Many things here are still the same. There are still turtles, California is still apart of The United States and we still have oil sources. But there is one thing that is very different. Instead of having a life sentence in prison or execution (depending on the crime) we are offered a different option. The government allows prisoners to choose to be experimented on in turn for their freedom. Many choose this, but few survive. To pass the experiments, you must withstand 1 years worth of downing medicine, testing new ways of transportation and so many more gruesome things. If you do survive through either sheer luck or pure skill, your name will be cleared and you will be known throughout the United States.
Though it is possible to fail without dying during the experiments. If this happens, though it has only happened to few, you will either resume your life sentence and be shamed across the Earth.
Here my story.

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