Happy Birth-What?!

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(October 23, 2017)
The door to Alexandra's room bursted open.

"Happy birthday, Alex!" Jack shouted. The girl woke up with a jolt as sat up. "I'm awake!" She said. "Calm down, sis. We still have time. It's a Friday. Just wanted to tell you happy birthday." He said. Alex sighed and playfully rolled her eyes and smiled at him. "Thank you Jack. I appreciate it." She said. "Now, leave my room. I need to change." Alex said, throwing a pillow and hit him. "Okay, okay. We'll be downstairs for breakfast." Jack said and closed the door. Alex giggled to herself and then sighed. "15 years old. Holy crap." She said to herself and stood up from the bed.

She grabbed her robe and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, while singing 'Here Comes The Sun' by the Beatles loudly. After the shower, Alex put on the robe, brushed and dried her hair, and went back to her room and changed into her usual outfit: white and black shirt, red crimson jeans, black high top sneakers and blue denim jacket. After doing her makeup and putting on a golden chain necklace with a pearl on it, Alex grabbed her bag and headed downstairs and went inside the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie, happy birthday!!" James said as he hugged her daughter. "My goodness! 15 years old. My daughter!" Anna said, taking her turn to hug her. "Thank you mom, thank you dad." Alex said. "Alexandra! Happy birthday, lovie!!" Mary Ann said and she and Roger hugged their grandchild. "Yes. Happy birthday, Madame Alexandra." Geffory said. "Thank you everyone." Alex said as she sat down by the table. After eating breakfast, which was waffles, eggs, and bacon, Alex and Jack went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth, and headed to the front door. "Bye guys! We'll see you later on!" Jack said as they exited the house. "Have a lovely day, dears!" Mary Ann calles from the mansion.

The two siblings made their way to the school. As they did, Alex felt a hand grab her and and spin her around gently. The brunette telekinetic girl felt a familiar pair of lips against hers and wrapped her arms around his neck, causing the boy to place his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. Seconds later, they broke the kiss and Alex stared at those gorgeous blue eyes. "Happy birthday, baby." Penn said, a wide smile on his face. "Hello, Penn. Thank you." She said as they hugged, her head against his chest, feeling his brown leather jacket against her cheek, and her finger played with his blue flannel shirt. The redhead had gone for a new look. He now wore a blue flannel shirt, dark blue jeans, black converse, and brown leather jacket.

"Well, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one who's 15 anymore." He said, which was true. Penn was the oldest of the group and his 15th birthday was on August 20th. Then it was Alex on October 23rd, followed by Sashi, a day after on the 24th, then Boone who was born on November 4th, and finally Jack in December 1st. "I can imagine, wise old powerful leader." Jack said. Penn chuckled and smirked. "So. Where are Sashi and Boone?" Alex asked. "Right here!" Boone called as he and Sashi made their way over to them. "Happy birthday, Alex!!" Sashi said, hugging her friend. "So the day has come!" Boone said, joining the hug.

"Thank you guys!" Alex said, returning the hugs. "So, my future brother-in-law, what have you planned for my dear sister today?" Jack asked Penn as they walked to the school, the redhead having an arm around the girl as they did. "Well, I was thinking of taking Alex here to a fancy dinner and then a walk around the park." Penn said, causing the girl to perk up a bit. "Wow! That sounds really nice of you to do." She said. "Well, my princess deserves the best on her special day." He said with a flirtatious smirk, pecking her cheek, causing Alex to blush.

"Oh god! Get a room you two." Boone said, fake gagging. "Same thing to you and Jack, Boone." Alex said. "Touché." The used to be part time wiseman said. "Well I think that it's cute. And Penn, hurt Alex and I won't hesitate to kill you." Sashi threatened while cracking her knuckles. Penn gulped and nodded fearfully. "Yes ma'm." He said. "Come on, Sash. You're the only one with no lover." Jack said. "You need to find one." "Now, Jack. Don't pressure her. She has time." The used to be part time heroine said to her brother. "Hey! Just saying!" He said. "Well, we're here." The used to be part time hero said as they arrived at the school.

"Penn. Do we have to go to school today? We can just ditch." Alex said with fake whining. "Sorry, my love. But we both need a education to survive this hole we know as Earth." Penn said, taking the girl by the hand and their fingers interlocked. The girl giggled and pecked the boy on the cheek. "Come on, love birds! We're gonna he late!" The used to be part time sidekick called from the entrance of the school. "Relax, Sashi. We have time." Penn said. The bell rang.

"Oh shit! Never mind!" Alex said as they both broke into a sprint to get inside.
The five friends now founded themselves inside history class. They were forced to sit through a boring lesson, and it just had to be the last thing of the day.

Alex drifted in and out, Penn mostly drew lazy doodles, Sashi looked bored and secretly wanted someone to kill her, Boone nearly fell asleep, causing Jack to elbow him every once in a while, since he was the only active one of the group.

"And now, before I let you work on your homework, let me give an announcement." The teacher, Mr. Cruz, said. "What do you think it will be?" Alex whispered. Penn shrugged his shoulders in response. "Okay, So I pulled some strings and we are having a field trip to the UK for 2 weeks." Now this got the attention and of the gang. "We'll be going to areas in London, as well as Italy and Rome. And we will be staying at the Starcourt Hotel." Mr. Cruz went on as he handed out the permission slips. "Hey. Isn't that the hotel that your other grandparents own?" Penn asked the brunette girl, who nodded. "Now, if you are interested and want to go, then you must have this filled in and given to me by Halloween. We leave on the 4th of November and we will be back on the 20th, just in time for you guys to be back home for Thanksgiving break."

The remainder of the class was just study hall. But the question still remained.

What will be our heroes decided to do?

Alex giggled at the story Penn told her.

It was now around 7pm. The young couple were now sitting inside a well respected restaurant, celebrating the girl's birthday. They were practically wearing the same thing they wore for their first date and were in the middle of eating their dinner.

"Why did you do face plant on the sand?" She asked. "I was four years old at the time, I didn't know better! You do stupid things when you're 4." Penn said, laughing as well. Then, the waiter came by. "Anything else I can get you two?" "We're fine, sir." Alex answered and the waiter left. "So, the Europe trip. You plan on going?" Penn asked. "Well, it's about time that I pay them a visit. It's been six years." Penn's eyes widened and he gave a low whistle. "Dang. How come you didn't visit sooner?" Alex just shrugged her shoulders. "We were busy." She said and he nodded. "What about you? You going?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, but I'm nervous. What if I make a bad impression on them? Or what if they thing I'm a bad boyfriend or a bad influence on you?" Penn asked. "Darling, calm down. My grandparents will love you. I've told them about you and they said that they're excited to meet you. Same thing with Stephane probably." The brunette. "Who?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "My little cousin. She's around 7 now. A bit wild, but she's grown out of it." "Ah." Penn said and nodded. "But seriously, Penn. You have nothing to worry about." Alex said and smiled.

Penn eventually smiled back and pecked her cheek. "Okay then. I'll go." The brunette beamed at this. The couple raised their glasses and the clinked.

"Europe. Here we come."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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