Birbs for Sneks

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This one is a much more fluffy and than the last couple ones. The only warning is that a dead bird is mentioned. Also if you want you can request a chapter.

Virgil's POV

I still felt bad about what had happened recently and Dee put itchy uncomfortable bandaged on my neck that I wasn't aloud to take off.

I know the others didn't appreciate my gift and apology but Dee always appreciates my gifts and gives them to his pet. If I'm lucky he will give me a gift as well!

I run at the glass door and scratch at it. Roman who was walking by opened it for me before quickly leaving. I walk around the backyard a bit before a see a bird just sitting in grass.

I wiggle around a little before pouncing on the bird and killing it. I pick it up and run to Dee's room. I head butt the door a wait for Dee to open up. He opens the door and pats my floof before seeing that I have a bird.

"What do you have there Veri?" Dee asks crouching down to my level. "Birb!" I say dropping it in front of him. He picks it up and opens his door allowing me inside his room.

I rush over to his bed and jump on curling up on it a look at him. He is the nicest out of the sides and is the only one out of all of them that allows me on his bed. Except Patton but I don't like his room. It makes me feel nervous.

"Hey neonate, wanna help me feed Kaa?" Dee asks grabbing Kaa and sitting them on the floor. "Snek! Fed Snek!" I exclaim running over to Kaa and Dee. "Haha ok snakelet be careful." Dee says even though he knows I would never hurt Kaa.

I take the bird and drop it in front of Kaa before backing up. Kaa gobbles up the bird before curling up around my shoulders. I'm not nervous because Dee would never let anything hurt me and Kaa loves me.

I jump up on Dee's bed and curl up in his lap after he lays down. We both fall asleep like that. Dozing for a nap.

Hope you guys enjoyed this short little story drabble thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


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