Trash Boi

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Thanks to my peepo iM-tHe-MeMe-LoRd for requesting this. Decided to add a flashback of some soft Remus so uh yeah. By soft I man he isn't a cursed forum. Also technically not their first meeting but Vee doesn't really remember anything about Remus so. T.W /scratches, biting, Remus/

Virgil was peacefully sleeping on the couch when Remus walked into the room. This was a rare thing as Remus hadn't ever been in the same room as Virgil. At least since Vee had been but a wee baby side.

~~~Flashback brought to you be Remus not being cursed for once~~~

Everyone in the mindscape heard a pop and a soft vibration signifying there was a new side. They all rushed over to where the side had appeared. It was such a small thing only a baby.

Remus got there first being closest to the pop up area. He picked up the small baby holding him in his arms. When everyone got there he had to act a little more jumpy or uh insane. He had a reputation.

The baby had a small hoodie on with the hood up. Patton reached over a brushed the kids forehead causing his hoodie to fall and to small cat ears to appear out of his hair. They also noticed a tail swing around his body and rest on his stomach.

~~~Flash forward brought to you by the fact that I call him Remus as in Remy not Remus as in Reeeee~~~

Vee looked up and hissed at Remus as he walked in not liking the trash boi as he reminded him of Roman and he didn't like Roman right now. He also didn't like to be around anyone he didn't know.

Remus hissed back at Virgil before continuing through the living room. Virgil 'yawned' showing off his fangs. Remus just shook his mustache and smiled showing his canines.

Virgil took that as a challenge and bit Remus pant leg. He shook his head violently trying to show his dominance. Remus reached down and bit Virgil's 'scruff' and shook his head, but not as violent.

Deciet and the others walked in and immediately started screaming at Remus. Deciet took Virgil from Remus, who began to get feisty and tied to attack Remus.

"Hey I wasn't hurting him into wasn't like I was gonna shake him so hard that he would sever his spinal cord and bleed out and die!" Remus said more cheerfully than he probably should have.

Virgil began to hiss and scratch at Remus. The others tried hard to separate the two. Miraculously or not miraculously only Vee and Remus wound up getting hurt. Remus had scratches all over his face and Vee had what suspiciously looked like a bite mark on his upper arm.

Whelp that definitely could have gone better.

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