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Edit 4/12/20: In case you were wondering, this was a test to see if I could write about Star Wars oneshots/Obi-Wan. I decided that it was good enough, so I made a oneshot book.

(A/N: Obi Wan might be OOC.)

To say that Obi Wan didn't like Anakin and Padme's relationship was an understatement.

No, it would seem like he was jealous.

He didn't have a problem with her at all, it was just that when she was with Anakin it made his blood boil and he had to excuse himself to recollect his thoughts.

"What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way? I should be happy for him, not be enraged that he is with someone else!"

"Obi Wan?"

Obi Wan was snapped out of his thoughts by his former Padawan staring at him. He wasn't even aware of Anakin's presence. "Oh yes, what do you need?"

"I was wondering why you were glaring at Padme like you were going to hurt her. You weren't planning on doing that, were you?"

"Of course not, Anakin! You of all people should know that!" He hoped Anakin wasn't reading his mind.

"Then what is it?"

Obi-Wan didn't know what to say or how much to reveal, or if he should even say anything at all. He sighed and went with: "I just don't like it when she's five inches away from you!"

Anakin tilted his head. "So you were jealous of her because she's with me?"

Obi Wan said nothing for a few seconds, afraid that he had said too much. "Did Anakin find out?"

"Of course I-!" He stopped himself.

Anakin smirked. "So you admit it."

Obi Wan stuttered out excuses as Anakin left the room to talk to Padme.

A while later, Anakin came back and stood in front of Obi Wan who had composed himself. "I broke up with her."

"WHAT?! Anakin, why would you do that?"

"Because I love you, Obi Wan."

Obi Wan was so shocked he couldn't think straight. "You-but I-Wha-how?!"

Anakin pecked him on the lips. "I'll let you think about that." He went to his room.

Obi Wan stood there still shocked about what had happened. His mind was still trying to process it all. He shook his head and went to his own room to retire for the night.

"I'll think about it tomorrow..."

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