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8:30 a.m.

After the breakfast cart was pulled off the hall, I head to the laundry room and grabbed the linen cart. I walk past Marshall and two other female cna's and go back to my hall.

I get everything set up, from small trash bags to gloves and start collecting small and big towels. I then began to make a mental note of the people I have left.

"Okay, I have to do 225, 219, and 223." I sigh "Thankfully some of the residents I have are independent."

I got started on my easiest patients first and started going at my pace. A few of my residents can be very combative, some of them know better and some of them don't; but, I still love them no matter what.

After I finish my easiest patients. I checked the calendar in their room after I cleaned up everything.

November 2019
Coffee and cookies- 10:00 a.m.
Choir- 2:00 p.m.
Movie- 6:00 p.m.

National Pizza Day

Coffee- 10:00 a.m.
Bingo- 2:00 p.m.
T.V.- 6:00 p.m.

Music- 10:00 a.m.
The price is right- 2:00 p.m.
Movie- 6:00 p.m.

I shrug my shoulders and take all the dirty things out my resident's room then I come across one of the physical therapy workers. He's average height, always wears gray scrubs and tennis shoes and has long, scraggly dark brown hair.

"Hey Chapman, I need Mr. Johnson up for therapy okay?" He says

I try to look into his eyes, but like all the other people I come across, can't. I was never good at looking at people in the eyes; I can't even look my family in the eyes, no matter how hard I try.

"Yeah, no problem." I say

He nods and walks back to physical therapy. I go to the other hall to get Marshall, I know he'll help me out. He just came out of Mr. Sanders room and just threw away some dirty linen.

"Chapman, what are you doing?" He asks

"I was just about to ask for your help. Mr. Johnson has to be up for therapy and I can't get him up."

"Okay. No problem." He says

I walk to 219 and comes inside the room as I shut the door behind me. I put his shoes on while he wraps his gait belt around his waist.

"Alright. On the count of three, I'm gonna put you in the chair; Chapman, you bring the chair closer and hold on to it."

I hold onto the wheelchair handles while Marshall places Mr. Johnson into the wheelchair. He removes his gait belt and opens the door.

"Thanks Marshall."

"You're welcome." He says before leaving

The physical therapist comes inside the room and takes Mr. Johnson with him. I let his bed up and began checking his sheets........they're clean.
I make his bed up and made sure it's perfect, I bring his bed down and walked out the room.

"One more room left. Yay." I thought "But first, water break."

I grabbed a cup and poured some water into it then I went back to work. Victoria comes right on time and asks did I need any help with anyone. If it's anyone I can rely on, it Victoria and Marshall, no matter how busy they are, they'll always come to my aid because they know I'll do the same for them.

"Yeah, you know I always have trouble turning Mrs. Stevens. It's kinda hard to turn someone that's paralyzed on the left side of their body and on top of that, she's heavy."

Victoria laughs "Okay, is she your last patient?"


"Cool. Let's get this over with." She says

We went inside her room together and we spoke to her. I informed her that she's getting a bath and she nods; She's a sweet lady, but she has a habit of telling me how to do my job, and I've been working here since April.

As I bring the water out, I set it down on the table and put her towel in then I wring out the excess water and hand her the towel.

"Be sure to get my body wash out the drawer." She says

Victoria reaches into her drawer and grabs her body wash then hands it to me. I squirt some into the towel and dip it into the water, then I began to wash her body whereas Victoria dried her off.

"Okay, let's turn her over towards you. "I said

Victoria turns her over and quickly wash her back and butt while she dries her. I put a fresh new diaper under her and Victoria gently lay her down on her back. I fix her diaper and apply deodorant on her while Victoria put her gown on and styles her hair.

"You can go ahead and put my dirty gown in the bin, my family's gonna wash it. Then when you pour that water out, hand me the table and bring it down a little." She informs

I nod my head "Yes ma'am. Thanks Victoria."

"You're welcome." She says while collecting the dirty linen and diapers

I put everything back and cleaned her table off then walked out her room. I sigh and secretly checked the time on my phone:

10:30 a.m.

I finished every one of my residents and checked to make sure they're okay. Everyone's sleeping and clean, it was nice to have little residents to do, mainly because the rooms are empty and most of the residents are independent.

I go inside the activity room and sit down, but don't get too comfortable because I know I'll get called on; but that's the life of an cna and I'm grateful.

I check the time:

10:55 a.m.

I get up from the chair and inform the nurse that I'm going on my lunch break. Soon I checked the time again.

10:57 a.m.......10:58 a.m.......10:59 a.m ......11:00 a.m.

I clock out and head inside the break room to sit down. I then look over at the vending machine and see various options of snacks. Chips, candy, and cookies were all restocked and was looking pretty good, but for now, I'll just sit and think of something to occupy my mind.

Victoria comes in with a family size box of chicken and a bottle of water and sits beside me.

"I couldn't stand watching you not eat anything, so here's a token of my appreciation. For being a good co worker and an awesome best friend."

I smile and gave her a hug then I get up to wash my hands and grabbed extra paper towels for both me and her. After break, I began checking on my residents and changed their diapers before the lunch cart came on the hall.

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