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Canada's Prov

As we entered the Mayhem,All i could see was lights,drinks,People dancing and the Dj's area.Man the neighbours are not gonna like this.Russia then went straight to the Alcohol.My brother soon followed him leaving me with Ukraine.I turned to him and asked him if he would like to dance with me.He then accepted my offer with a smile.I pulled him to the dance floor and danced happily.


.I was immediately pulled to Ukraines strong grip.The next thing i knew is that my chest was against his.I held his face with my two hands making his eyes level with mine.I slowly pulled him into a kiss.He suddenly rejected the kiss-NO he kicked his ass and ran-NO they soon made out-((I'm having too much fun with this))Ukraine kissed back.The next thing i knew is that we were french kissing![insert french sounds] Oh how i wanted the kiss to never end.But we had to breath.Or we would pass out.

Americas prov

I did not know why i followed Russia.Maybe i wanted company or i just wanted a drink.Something about me being close to him feels weird i don't feel this kind of feelings when i'm near others but only when i'm near..Ruski....I finally caught up with him their on the table were 2 empty vo-vodka bottles?!?! Did he really finnish two bottles within 10 seconds!?! Omy...Is he That strong.He then looked at me and patted the seat next to him.I then sat down next to him and asked for a whiskey.We both soon drank and laughed at each other's jokes together.Man this feels better then hanging out with China!

But the fun did not last long.China for some reason was wearing a crop top with a very mini skirt.Skirt skirt.She looked at me probably drunk pulling me away from Russia out of jealousy asking me to go to a room with her!WTH IS THAT WOMMAN THINKING??Out of anger Russia stood up and stared arguing with China.Soon i heard a slap from Them.China slapped Russia?!!? She then started insulting everything Russia loved.Russia drunk did not do anything.He was..crying...China soon realised that he was crying and soon insulted of how pathetic he was.He reached his pocket to reveal an...UNO REVERS CARD??

Everyone started laughing.China,pissed soon kicked russia in the stomach with those deadly heels.Russia then stood up laughing then crying...He turned around and ran to the backyard.Everyone soon HATED China.China's reputation soon decreased to 0%.China then stood their in anger.She stormed out of the party.I was relieved bu worried for Ruski.

Russia's Prov

It hurt...It really did....i could not hold back my tears any longer and started sobbing...I soon felt two warm arms wrap around me telling me that everything was fine and that they would always be here for me.I looked back to see America.....I blushed HARD...America then went infront of me and to mee felt like he was staring into my eyes..suddenly out of stupidity and my drunkness i kissed America...The America!America suprisingly kissed me back...Then i felt my brothers presence

Ukraine>Hey bro-

He stood there taking pHOTOS OF ME AND AMERICA I FELT LIKE SCREAMING AND DYING F EMBARRASSMENT!After me and america broke the kiss Ukraine said:So,You too are officialy GAy?AnD DAiTinG? I repiled WhAt aBouT yOu anD CAnaDa?I SaW yOu GuyS KissING BAcK THEir!WaS It gOoD?Ukraine then Blushed and screamed at me in a playful way.I laughed and looked at America.

Russ>Im fine if were together if Merica is fine with it too~

M-Merica?I-i m fine w-with it..<Ame

Ukraine then squealed in exsitement and went back in to tell the rest great.I then went back in with Merica and was being screamed at by many people that were a couple now.Japan's party from new school year to a gay couple.I went to a table and started drinking cuz i had nothing else to do.America joined me and the next thing i knew it,i was draging America to a room?Soon we FuCkEd the end.

 A Random Rusame Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now