Chapter 1: The Mission Briefing

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            "For conspicuous gallantry in the face of danger by an overwhelming enemy force, we award the silver star to Second Lieutenant Adam Winters.", the colonel read off as Winters stood at attention during the ceremony. He didn't really feel that he deserved it. "Out of all those men on that damn island, why me?", he thought to himself. The colonel pinned the medal of his uniform. "Your old man would be proud of you, son.", he announced shaking the young marine's hand. Winters got an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Did he really have to mention my father, out of all things, why him?", Winters thought. The comment just made an uncomfortable situation even worse. Winters never knew his father, since he died when he was born, but felt he was this shadow that he could never get rid of. Everyone who ever served in the Corps knew more about his father than him. As the ceremony concluded Winters walked up to his best friend, Gunnery Sergeant Jack Hartman. "Congratulations, Sir.", he said with a slight smile on his face. That smile quickly faded away when he saw Winters staring down at the medal on his chest in dismay.

"Winters!", called the colonel. "I need you and the gunnery sergeant to come with me.", he ordered. The two marines were escorted to a tent. When they entered, they were met by a band of soldiers. Three of the soldiers were Americans and two of them were British. "Who are you two?" one of the curious soldiers questioned. "I'm Second Lieutenant Adam Winters of the 1st Marine Parachute Battalion attached with the 1st Marines. This is my platoon sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant Jack Hartman.", Winters answered. "A couple of devil dogs. Well there goes the neighborhood.", one of the American soldiers responded. The tent busted out in laughter, except for the two marines. "And just who are all you?", Winters fired back. "Sergeant David Ryan, pathfinder of the 101st Airborne.", one of the soldiers replied. "Private First Class Derek Jackson of the 1st Infantry Division.", another soldier chimed in. "Corporal Matthew Miller of the 2nd Rangers.", responded another. "Sergeant Arthur Nelson of the British Special Air Service.", responded one of the British soldiers. "Corporal Roger Chamberlain of the Royal Marines.", responded the other British soldier. "A couple of commandos. We must be getting into some heavy shit. Glad to have you with us.", responded Hartman. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to be related to Lord Chamberlain?", Nelson inquired. "Yes, he is my father.", Chamberlain responded. "Then why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be playing polo at your castle?", Nelson joked. "It's my duty to serve my country, no matter what title I have. Besides, by the looks of it, none of you chaps can track worth a damn.", Chamberlain fired back. "Why would we need a tracker?", Adams pondered to himself until the tent flap opened.

"Attention!", called a captain as a marine general walked in. His ribbon rack was stacked, and he had an ivory handled Colt 45 Peacemaker revolver on his hip. "Gentlemen take your seats.", the general ordered. The soldiers and marines took a seat. "I'm Major General Robert Matthewson of the United States Marine Corps assigned to the Office of Strategic Services.", the general announced. "What I'm about to tell you is top secret. As you know General Montgomery has driven out Field Marshal Rommel and the main Axis force in Africa.", Matthewson stated as he pulled down a map of Africa. "Intelligence reports that all the units that were sent to Africa have either been wiped out or ordered back to Europe. All for except one company of Waffen-SS called Löwen or the lions. For some weird reason they have seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth. Now, reports from locals claim of encounters with Europeans in German uniforms in this region they called the Pride Lands.", he declared as he pointed to a spot on the map in Southern Kenya. "Now, we are taking this with a grain of salt, being the locals still believe in talking animals, but it's enough to spook Washington and London to send a team. Your mission is to conduct reconnaissance operations in the area, find the missing company, and eliminate them. Simple orders: find them and kill them.", the general declared. "Your commanding officer is Second Lieutenant Winters. Your second in command is Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. Your explosives expert will be Sergeant Nelson. Private Jackson is your radio operator and translator. The private is fluent in German, French, and one of the few that can speak Swahili. Corporal Chamberlain is your tracker and expert in uncharted terrain. His family are some of the finest hunters in the world. Corporal Miller is your designated marksman. Sergeant Ryan is you jumpmaster and will teach Miller, Jackson, and Chamberlain in the basics of static-line jumping for the mission.", Matthewson announced. "Do you have any questions?" inquired Matthewson. "How many soldiers are we going up against, sir?", Miller asked. "We don't know. Intelligence praises their numbers as manageable, but you could be facing anywhere from 3 to 300 soldiers.", answered Matthewson. "You all are going to have a long three days, so I suggest getting well rested, tonight.", Matthewson ordered. "Lieutenant Winters, I want to speak to you in private.", the general declared.

As the others walked out of the tent, the young lieutenant moseyed on over to the general. "I served with your father in World War One. He was a great man. If you are anything like him, I know I made the right choice for this mission.", Matthewson stated. Winters looked at the general with a puzzled look on his face. "But, why me, sir? Out of all the soldiers and marines in the U.S. military, why me?", Winters inquired. "From your actions on Guadalcanal, I know you can make the tough calls. I believe this mission is going to be full of those kinds of decisions. We all wish your men made it back alive, but this is war. Men will die and there is nothing we can do about it. Just complete the mission. You're dismissed, lieutenant.", ordered Matthewson. "Good day, sir.", Winters said as he saluted and exited the tent. As he started to walk back to his quarters, he thought to himself, "Please don't screw this up, Winters."

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