How i got started

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First a bit about myself I think that's a good place to start.

I'm a shy girl who loves to do anything artsy and crafty, also I love anime and am a huge weeb and I love japanese idols.

Okay now onto the how I got sucked into DIY cosmetics I'm just gonna call it cosmetics ie. Lotions lipbalms body scrubs, lip scrubs ect...

I watch safia nygaard on youtube and saw she had a how to make soap tutorial and ever since then I've been obsessed with watching all things soap making and other product crafting the 2 main channels I watch for that are royalty soaps and humblebee and me, they are fantastic youtubers with their own weirdness and fantasticness. (Let's pretend that's a word)

So I really got seriously Interested after watching a ton of humblebee and me videos and I was like "I so wanna try that"! Because I love that sort of thing so I used 117 dollars to buy a few essential things to make some stuff.

I bought cocoa butter shea butter beeswax preservative and fragrance oils as well as flavor oils and already can't wait to buy more I've made 5 batches of lotion in total so far one batch of lip scrub and one batch of body scrub as well as a salve.

After watching so many videos and absorbing the information needed when I got the supplies it was actually really easy to make and I had fun doing it.

On the next page I'll write about the sugar scrub since I literally just made it an hour ago.

Ps tell me what do you think so far is this an Interesting concept for a "story" and let me know if you try any of the recipes.

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